Cooperative Extension

Newspaper Advances UMaine Extension Business Conference

The Penobscot Bay Press published a news release about the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Hancock County Business Conference and Trade Show Nov. 1–2 in Ellsworth. The conference is designed to bring together hundreds of business representatives and business development specialists to discuss common problems and solutions to business challenges in the Downeast area. Gov. […]

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President’s Community Conversation 2.0 Scheduled for Monday

On Monday, Oct. 29, University of Maine President Paul Ferguson will hold Community Conversation 2.0, his second annual discussion with the UMaine community. The President’s Community Conversation 2.0 will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. in Wells Conference Center. This year, the President’s Community Conversation is being combined with the annual Employee Breakfast. […]

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Newspaper Garden Feature Cites UMaine Extension Education Classes

A Lewiston Sun Journal feature article about a Jay middle school community gardening project to benefit a local food bank noted that a seventh-grader leading the project learned about gardening methods through University of Maine Cooperative Extension classes. The students donated more than 100 pounds of cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and carrots from their school […]

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Newspaper Features New UMaine Class on Science of Beer

Two University of Maine faculty members were interviewed for a Bangor Daily News article about a new UMaine class that examines the science of brewing beer. Brian Perkins, a laboratory director and research assistant professor with UMaine’s Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, and Jason Bolton, a food safety educator and assistant Extension professor […]

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UMaine Representatives Invited to Discuss Bond Issues at Chamber Event

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Executive Director John Rebar and UMaine economist Todd Gabe will be part of a Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce Early Bird Breakfast panel discussion Wednesday morning about bond issues and the upcoming election. Bond Question 2 includes funding for a proposed animal, plant and insect diagnostic laboratory at UMaine along […]

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University of Maine Cooperative Extension Faculty Available For Seasonal Stories

University of Maine Cooperative Extension experts around the state are available to discuss several seasonal story ideas for news reporters, ranging from putting the garden to bed for the winter, buttoning up and weatherizing the house, whether to bother raking leaves and Halloween food safety precautions and safe, fun and creative activities for children. Gardening […]

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UMaine Extension Services Noted in Report on State Contracts

An article in the Maine Sunday Telegram about how new state government policies on contracts for intellectual services such as research and training are affecting the state’s public universities noted that a $3.5 million contract for providing nutritional education to food-stamp recipients, which went to the private University of New England, resulted in the loss […]

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Pest Management Program in Newspaper Report

An interview with University of Maine Cooperative Extension pest management specialist Jim Dill was the basis for a Maine Sunday Telegram gardening column about dealing with pest insects without pesticides. Dill explained UMaine Extension’s Green Bug Education Program, part of UMaine Extension’s Integrated Pest Management Program, which helps people deal with pests without using unnecessary […]

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Cranberry Article Cites UMaine Extension Yield Estimate

An article in the Bangor Daily News about a Washington County cranberry farm and the market options for cranberries noted that the University of Maine Cooperative Extension has estimated this year’s harvest will be good with a yield of about 2.5 million pounds, which is better than last year’s harvest of 2.4 million pounds. Contact: […]

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