Cooperative Extension

BDN Features UMaine Extension Video, Guide on Growing Strawberries

The Bangor Daily News cited a University of Maine Cooperative Extension video and an online how-to guide in the article, “Here’s everything you need to know to start growing strawberries.” The report referenced the UMaine Extension bulletin, “Growing Strawberries,” by David Handley, a specialist of vegetables and small fruit, as well as a video on […]

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Lichtenwalner Quoted in BDN Article on Eggs as Healthy Food

Anne Lichtenwalner, a University of Maine professor, veterinarian and director of UMaine’s Animal Health Laboratory, was interviewed by the Bangor Daily News for the article, “Once shunned, eggs again deemed healthy convenience food.” “I’m a big supporter of eggs as an important part of good nutrition,” Lichtenwalner said. “Eggs are a quality food, [and] they […]

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WVII Reports Bryant Pond Learning Center to Host Camp North Woods

WVII (Channel 7) reported the University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Bryant Pond will host Camp North Woods, an opportunity created by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The camp, which was established to build upon the popularity of the Animal Planet show “North Woods Law,” aims to provide opportunities […]

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Mount Desert Islander Advances Youth Gardening Program

The Mount Desert Islander reported the University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a youth gardening program May through September in Somesville. “Kids Can Grow!” is designed for children ages 7–12 and offers monthly hands-on gardening classes, as well as materials and help for each participant to build their own raised bed. Master Gardener volunteers […]

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Dill Quoted in NE Center for Investigative Reporting Article on Lyme Disease

Jim Dill, a pest management specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was quoted in the New England Center for Investigative Reporting (NECIR) article, “Despite spread of Lyme disease, Mass. dedicates no money to prevention.” Dill said the extremely cold winter most likely didn’t kill many ticks because “most of them were three feet […]

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Garland Speaks with BDN About Companion Planting

The Bangor Daily News interviewed Kate Garland, a horticulturist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for an article on the science and folklore of companion planting. Science shows that planting certain crops together can yield more bountiful results and potentially keep pests away, according to the article. “A lot of people feel very strongly […]

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Press Herald Publishes Feature on Stancioff

The Portland Press Herald published a feature for its “Meet” series on Esperanza Stancioff, an associate professor and climate change educator with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant. Stancioff oversees the Signs of the Seasons program, which uses volunteers to observe and record seasonal changes as a way to track Maine’s […]

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BDN Features UMaine Extension Videos on Composting

The Bangor Daily News referenced University of Maine Cooperative Extension videos and a guide on how to compost in the article, “Interested in composting? Here’s what you need to get started.” The report cited the UMaine Extension bulletin, “Home Composting,” as well as two videos featuring Mark Hutchinson, a UMaine Extension educator and professor.

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Free Beginning Food Business Workshop Offered in Skowhegan

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a free introductory workshop for people considering a small-scale food business from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, May 6, at the UMaine Extension Somerset County office, 7 County Drive, Skowhegan. “Recipe to Market: Is it for me?” will introduce key components of starting a successful food business, including […]

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Dollars & Sense Publishes Article by Welcomer, Haggerty, Jemison

Dollars & Sense: Real World Economics published, “Maine farmers and climate change: Reactive or proactive?” by three University of Maine professors. The article was written by Stephanie Welcomer, an associate professor of management and associate dean of the Maine Business School; Mark Haggerty, an associate professor of Honors and Rezendes Preceptorship of Civil Engagement; and […]

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