Cooperative Extension

Dill talks with Press Herald about increase in tick-borne illnesses

Griffin Dill talked with the Portland Press Herald about the increase of tick-borne illnesses in Maine last year. Anaplasmosis diagnoses reached a record high in 2019, with at least 685 confirmed cases of the tick-borne illness, while the number of Lyme disease cases also were up. “Ticks were abundant and highly active in 2019,” said […]

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Bangor Daily News interviews Coffin about chickens

Donna Coffin was a source for the Bangor Daily News for its story discouraging people from keeping chickens as house pets because they harbor bacteria harmful to humans, including salmonella and Campylobacter which can be fatal in extreme cases. At the very least, both can cause a great deal of digestive and intestinal discomfort, including […]

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SFGate cites Kirby about centipedes

SFGate, a site affiliated with the San Francisco Chronicle, cited Clay Kirby in an article about centipedes being an all-natural form of pest control as they eat termites, bedbugs and cockroaches. Kirby, an entomologist and insect diagnostician with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, said instances of people being bitten by house centipedes are rare […]

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Cooperative Extension to provide produce safety course 

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training to Maine residents from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 16, at the Maine Agricultural Trades Show at the Augusta Civic Center. The course provides a foundation for produce safety, best practices, co-management of natural resources and food safety, Food Safety Modernization Act […]

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UMaine Extension receives grant to recycle agricultural greenhouse plastic

University of Maine Cooperative Extension has been awarded $38,764 by a one-year State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection Waste Diversion Grant to develop a statewide pilot program to recycle agricultural greenhouse plastic. The grant proposes that a voluntary recycling program can achieve a high percentage of grower participation, and affordably divert and recycle a […]

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Harvest for Hunger donations reach 3M pounds of fresh produce, media report

Maine Public, WABI (Channel 5), WVII (Channel 7), Portland Press Herald, Bangor Daily News and the Raleigh News & Observer ran an Associated Press story about a University of Maine Cooperative Extension program that has donated 3 million pounds of fresh produce to Maine people since 2000. In 2019, Maine Harvest for Hunger donated more […]

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Dill talks with BDN about ticks, testing, diseases 

Griffin Dill and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Tick Identification Lab were included in a Bangor Daily News article about ticks. The lab has tested around 2,000 ticks for Lyme, anaplasmosis and babesiosis since April 1. “Of the 2,000 ticks, we found that roughly 45 percent tested positive for one of the three pathogens,” […]

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Media publish release about plastic recycle program

The Republican Journal, Penobscot Bay Pilot, The Penobscot Times, Morning Ag Clips, The County and Fiddlehead Focus ran a media release that announced University of Maine Cooperative Extension was awarded $38,764 as a one-year Maine Department of Environmental Protection Waste Diversion Grant to develop a statewide pilot program to recycle agricultural greenhouse plastic. The goal is to […]

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Morning Sentinel, KJ advance free workshops for new farmers

The Morning Sentinel and Kennebec Journal posted the University of Maine Cooperative Extension release about the Beginning Farmer Resource Network’s free workshops and consultation services for new farmers Jan. 14–16 during the Maine Agricultural Trades Show. The Courier of Montgomery County and Houston Chronicle posted the AP article, and Mainebiz also reported on the workshops. […]

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