Climate Change

Weiskittel speaks to CNN about forest fires

CNN interviewed Aaron Weiskittel, professor of forest biometrics and modeling at the University of Maine, about the increased risk of wildfires in the Northeast this year. “Wherever there’s forests, there’s always a risk of forest fires,” Weiskittel said. Weiskittel also explained that climate change and milder winters in the Northeast are contributing to an influx […]

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Media cover UMaine grant to study impact of climate change on wild blueberries

News Center Maine, the Bangor Daily News, MaineBiz, WFVX-TV (Fox 22/ABC 7 in Bangor) and Energy News Network reported that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded $650,000 to a University of Maine project investigating the impacts of climate change on wild blueberry ecosystems and economics.

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Media cite UMaine Climate Reanalyzer data about North Atlantic sea temperatures

In an article about sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic in early March, The Independent, CBC, Quartz and Jersey Evening Post cited data from the University of Maine Climate Reanalyzer showing that the North Atlantic temperature rose above previous records and is now 1 C warmer than the 1981–2011 mean average for this time […]

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A photo of Rachel Schattman

UMaine granted $650K to study climate change impacts on wild blueberries from USDA NIFA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded $650,000 to a University of Maine project investigating the impacts of climate change on wild blueberry ecosystems and economics.  Wild blueberry fields provide important crops for the state of Maine. They also support ecosystems by providing water regulation, nutrient cycling, […]

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WMTW features UMaine study on bass aggression toward salmon

WMTW (Channel 8 in Portland) featured University of Maine research into how warming waters can make non-native smallmouth bass more aggressive toward endangered juvenile Atlantic salmon. Smallmouth bass also more voraciously eat local food supplies at higher water temperatures.

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Ranco speaks to Maine Public about CODE RED exhibit

Darren Ranco, professor of anthropology and chair of Native American Programs at the University of Maine, spoke with Maine Public about the new CODE RED exhibit at the Maine Historical Society in Portland. The exhibit, which Ranco co-curated, explores Indigenous knowledge and environmental stewardship, how humans have previously shaped the environment and the ramifications of […]

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USA Today interviews Birkel about accurately measuring global warming

USA Today interviewed Maine State Climatologist Sean Birkel for a fact checking article titled “April 1895 v. April 2023 temperature comparison does not disprove climate change.” According to Birkel, also assistant professor with a joint appointment at University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the UMaine Climate Change Institute, determining whether global warming has occurred by […]

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