Climate Change

Hamilton Comments Included In Scientific American Website Story

UMaine glaciologist Gordon Hamilton was quoted in a story on the Scientific American website about the links between climate change and social collapse of Greenland since 800 B.C. Hamilton commented on more recent ice melt, telling the magazine that the area of the Arctic around Greenland has warmed significantly since the 1990s, and the way […]

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UMaine Graduate Student Receives Prestigious Park Service Grant

A University of Maine graduate student has received a prestigious National Park Service grant to study climate change in Glacier National Park. Krista Slemmons, a Ph.D. student in ecology and environmental sciences and the Climate Change Institute, was one of 11 nationwide recipients of the 2011 National Park Service George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship.

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British Newspaper Features UMaine Ice Core Video

The Guardian newspaper’s Punctuated Equilibrium blog has a story and video about ice core research being performed at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute. UMaine Ph.D. student Bess Koffman and undergraduate Eliza Kane were interviewed for the UMaine-produced video, which was featured Wednesday on the Science360 website.

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NSF Website Highlights Ice Core Research

The National Science Foundation website Science360 posted a UMaine-produced video featuring students Bess Koffman and Eliza Kane, who are shown melting ice cores stored at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute facility. The cores, which represent about 2,500 years of ice, were from western Antarctica. Koffman is a Ph.D. student in earth science and Kane is an […]

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Glaciologist Quoted In Report On Arctic

A story on the Voice of America website includes comments from UMaine glaciologist Gordon Hamilton, who told VOA conditions in the Arctic have changed dramatically since a 2007 United Nations report on climate change. Estimates on sea level rise, Hamilton said, have been underestimated and could be at least twice as large as the upper […]

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Hamilton Comments In Time Magazine Online Report

Comments from Gordon Hamilton of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute were included in a Time Magazine online report about findings that Arctic ice melt is accelerating. Hamilton said parts of Greenland have started to change in ways that are shocking to researchers, and that both the extent of melting and the length of the melting season […]

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Glaciologist Comments Included In Story On Arctic Ice

Comments from glaciologist Gordon Hamilton of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute were included in a Voice of America story about a report released Wednesday that says Arctic ice is melting at a much faster rate than previously thought. Hamilton said the previous estimate for sea level rise is a very large underestimate and it is probably […]

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Engineering, Marine Sciences Research Featured At Bangor Center

The Weekly newspaper had notices from the Challenger Learning Center in Bangor about programs with UMaine connections. The first, a Space Day open house, was held recently and featured students from UMaine’s College of Engineering who demonstrated wireless robotic sensors. The second took note of the “Connecting Climate to Curriculum” program, which involves scientists in […]

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Climate Change Lecture, Other Talks Advanced In Report

Tuesday’s lecture on climate change and the fall of the Roman Empire was advanced in the Bangor Daily News. Michael McCormick, the Francis Goelet Professor of Medieval History at Harvard University will speak on the subject at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, at the Collins Center for the Arts on the UMaine campus. McCormick will […]

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Climate Change Institute Director Mentioned In Story On Climate History

Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777 Dr. Paul Mayewski, the director of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute, was mentioned in a story on the website about the importance of collaborations between the fields of history and science, particularly climate science. Mayewski was mentioned as having been part of such a collaboration with a Harvard historian, which was […]

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