Media feature 2022 SEA Fellows Symposium
The Bangor Daily News, Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper and Lincoln County News reported on the sixth annual Science for Economic Impact and Application Fellows Symposium, held this year on Aug. 9 at the Downeast Institute in Beals. The SEA Fellows program encourages students in marine research to collaborate on climate-relevant science; network with other undergraduates; and develop science communication and presentation skills. “This is a celebration of marine science and young scientists. The reason we have SEA Fellows and this symposium is to connect these young scientists with one another and allow them to hear from like-minded individuals about the projects they’re developing,” noted Heather Leslie, director of the University of Maine Darling Marine Center and professor of marine conservation science in the UMaine School of Marine Sciences. The SEA Fellows’ posters from the symposium are online.