BDN features VEMI Lab
The Bangor Daily News featured the University of Maine’s Virtual Environment and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Lab. The BDN reported that VEMI Lab’s biggest project is its groundbreaking research into autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, for which it has received a total of $600,000 in two grant two U.S. Department of Transportation Inclusive Design Challenges, beating out proposals from the likes of Google’s Waymo. The article also featured some of the other projects in the work at VEMI Lab, including one uses sensor technology to help older people living alone to live more safely, for which the lab set up a model of a senior living apartment so it could more accurately model how older people navigate their surroundings, and another partially funded by a NASA grant that uses a translucent iridescent material to detect surface contamination. Egreenews shared the BDN report.