Savoie speaks with Press Herald about Extension’s food preservation webinar series

Kathleen Savoie, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator and professor, spoke with the Portland Press Herald about the “Preserving the Maine Harvest” series, which will offer new webinars this month. The Press Herald interviewed Savoie for the article titled “Learn to cook online from local chefs with these classes.” More than 100 people from across the country have signed up for each free Zoom webinar, which Extension hosts at 2 p.m. every Tuesday through Oct. 27. “The topic of food preservation is more popular now than ever, given some of the issues that people have found as a result of the pandemic and food supply — growing their own food, preserving their own food,” Savoie said. “It’s gone beyond just personal satisfaction. The pandemic has changed the thinking a little bit around why people want to be preserving, and that is to ensure their own food supply.” Extension will teach participants about quick-pack cucumber pickles during the next session, which will be held at 2 p.m. July 7. Other topics for July include fermented cucumber pickles, canning and freezing green beans, and freezing Maine seafood. Registration is required; a $5 donation per session is optional. Register on the program webpage to attend the live session or get the link to the webinar recording. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Kate McCarty at 207.781.6099 or shared a media release about the July webinars.