Leslie, Wilson to share coastal community resiliency project
Heather Leslie and Carl Wilson will discuss “Building Coastal Community Resilience in Maine” at 10:30 a.m. June 28 in Brooke Hall at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole.
Leslie is the director of the DMC and a Libra Associate Professor of Marine Sciences. Her research on the ecology, policy and management of coastal marine ecosystem examines the link between humans and the coastal environment and evaluates marine management strategies.
Wilson, who directs the Bureau of Marine Science at the Maine Department of Marine Resources, is pursuing a Ph.D. focused on the lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine.
Scientists at UMaine and the Maine DMR work together to provide decision-makers with information to make scientifically based decisions about marine resources vital to Maine communities and economies.
Leslie and Wilson will discuss one such project that supports coastal community resilience. The collaboration includes scientists from UMaine, Maine DMR, Maine Sea Grant and Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries.
This discussion is the first of seven in the DMC science seminar series. “Connecting people to the ocean” is the theme of the free, public talks scheduled for Fridays — except for July 5 — through Aug. 16. Faculty, students and alumni of UMaine’s School of Marine Sciences will lead discussions.
For a list of topics and featured speakers, visit the Darling Marine Center website. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, call 207.563.8135.