Huffington Post blog cites Trostel’s study on value of higher education

A new Lumina Foundation report by the University of Maine Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center professor Philip Trostel on the value of higher education was mentioned in a Huffington Post blog article titled, “Want to be happier and healthier? Then go to college.” In the 73-page report “It’s Not Just the Money: The Benefits of College Education to Individuals and to Society,” Trostel found the benefits of a higher education extend far beyond earnings. The study states citizens with postsecondary credentials not only contribute to the economic prosperity of communities, but they also live happier, healthier lives, according to the article. Trostel found college graduates report having “good” or “very good” health 44 percent more than their nongraduate peers, and they are significantly more likely to exercise, wear a seat belt, maintain a healthy weight and regularly see a doctor. College graduates have a life expectancy of seven years longer than those who hold a high school diploma or less, the article states. The Bangor Daily News also reported on the study and mentioned it in an editorial, American Association of Community Colleges posted an article on its Community College Daily blog, and Trostel was a recent guest on the George Hale Ric Tyler Show on WVOM The Voice of Maine.