UMaine Extension offers facts on fiddleheads, recipes for rhubarb

University of Maine Cooperative Extension offers information to help find, grow, use, preserve, and store in-season fruits and vegetables in Maine. Seasonal favorites for May include:

Preserving rhubarb by freezing is demonstrated in an easy-to-follow video. UMaine Extension educator Kathy Savoie cautions that information on canning and preparing food should be up-to-date and research-based. Fiddleheads in particular require exact cooking methods — boiling for at least 15 minutes or steaming for 10–12 minutes. Recommendations on canning methods and equipment are best reviewed annually.

Updated information, and bulletins to download or order, are available on the Extension website, or by contacting 207.581.3188, 800.287.0274 (in Maine);