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Native American Programs

Latest Past Events

Raising our Voices on Race and Racism – Part II


Raising our Voices on Race and Racism - Part II Monday , November 30th from 4-5pm Virtual via Zoom, Free and Open to the Public REGISTER AT:  

What Does Decolonizing Mean?


What Does Decolonizing Mean? November 18th at 12:00 Virtual via Zoom, Free and Open to the Public  

Wabanaki Artist Showcases at the Hudson Museum

University of Maine-Hudson Museum

Wabanaki Artists Flyer 2019 v2-08_08_19 Wednesday, October 2 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Molly Neptune Parker, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. 2012 National Heritage Fellow, National Endowment for the Arts. Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Frances Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. Granddaughter of Molly Neptune Parker Wednesday, November 6 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Butch Phillips, Penobscot Birchbark Artist Wednesday, […]

Wabanaki Artist Showcases at the Hudson Museum

University of Maine-Hudson Museum

Wabanaki Artists Flyer 2019 v2-08_08_19 Wednesday, October 2 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Molly Neptune Parker, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. 2012 National Heritage Fellow, National Endowment for the Arts. Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Frances Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. Granddaughter of Molly Neptune Parker Wednesday, November 6 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Butch Phillips, Penobscot Birchbark Artist Wednesday, […]

Wabanaki Artist Showcases at the Hudson Museum

University of Maine-Hudson Museum

Wabanaki Artists Flyer 2019 v2-08_08_19 Wednesday, October 2 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Molly Neptune Parker, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. 2012 National Heritage Fellow, National Endowment for the Arts. Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Frances Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. Granddaughter of Molly Neptune Parker Wednesday, November 6 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Butch Phillips, Penobscot […]

Wabanaki Artist Showcases at the Hudson Museum

University of Maine-Hudson Museum

Wabanaki Artists Flyer 2019 v2-08_08_19 Wednesday, October 2 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Molly Neptune Parker, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. 2012 National Heritage Fellow, National Endowment for the Arts. Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Frances Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Basketmaker. Granddaughter of Molly Neptune Parker Wednesday, November 6 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Butch Phillips, Penobscot […]

Maine-Wabanaki REACH

Registration is required Registration is required at For questions contact,, or

“Motherland and Wabanaki Women”

UMaine-Barrows Hall, room 165-Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium

A public presentation by Miigam’agan (Mi’kmaq) who will discuss the Wabanaki as matriculture societies and their relationship to the motherland.

Lunch and Learn; Native Heritage Month

UMaine - Multicultural Center (3rd floor Memorial Student Union)

Come and support our Native students, staff, & faculty as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month and the significance of this important month with those who identify as Natives.

“Decolonizing Our Hearths and Minds”

UMaine-Bangor Room (2nd floor Memorial Student Union)

Presented by Sherri Mitchell (Penobscot). Mitchell will speak on issues of indigenous rights, environmental justice, and spiritual change.

Geo Neptune

UMaine - Little Hall, room 120

Learn about Two-Spirits and the persistent barriers that affect minority gender-nonconformists from educator Passamaquoddy activist, and master basket maker, Geo Neptune sponsored by Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Multicultural Thanksgiving

UMaine North Pod (2nd floor Memorial Student Union

Special guest speakers include John Bear Wabanaki Center and Dylan Smith President American Indian Student Organization who will join us to discuss the significance of this day for Native Americans & Indigenous Communities

Lunch and Learn; Indigenous People’s Day

UMaine - Multicultural Center (3rd floor Memorial Student Union)

Please join us as we welcome Maulian Dana Tribal Ambassador Penobscot Nation to discuss Indigenous People's Day across our state and country as well as the continued effort to eliminate Native Mascots & Costumes from pop culture and society.

Native American Crafts and Artistry – Moccasin making class

UMaine, COE Room (2nd floor Memorial Student Union)

Every year, in collaboration with the American Indian Student Organization and the Wabanaki Center the Office of Multicultural Student Life, is proud to celebrate Native American Heritage Month. Traditionally, Native American Heritage Month celebrates and recognizes the extraordinary contributions and accomplishments of First Nations and Indigenous communities. Previous celebrations at UMaine have included flag-raising ceremonies, student socials, performing arts showcasing […]

Native American Heritage Month Flag Raising Ceremony

UMaine-University Mall - Located in front of Fogler Library

The Office of Multicultural Student Life,The Wabanaki Center, & American Indian Student Organization will celebrate the University of Maine's 2nd Annual Native American Heritage Month Flag Raising Ceremony.  The ceremony will commence at 12:00 noon this Thursday  November 1st in front of Fogler Library on the University Mall. Speakers will include Dr. Darren Ranco, Maulian Dana, as well […]

Hunger Banquet

Estabrooke Ballroom

Hunger Banquet The University of Maine’s Office of Multicultural Student Life in collaboration with the Student Heritage Alliance Council (SHAC) and the Bodwell Center will host the annual Hunger Banquet […]

Free – $10.00

Flag Raising Reception

University of Maine, Memorial Union - Bangor Room Orono

First Ever! Native American Flag Raising

Native Playwriting Festival

Penobscot Theatre Rehersal Hall 51 Main Street, Bangor

Native Playwriting Festival Nov 2017 PDF

Native Playwriting Festival

Penobscot Theatre Rehersal Hall 51 Main Street, Bangor

Native Playwriting Festival Nov 2017 PDF

Native Playwriting Festival

University of Maine, Memorial Union - Bangor Room Orono

Native Playwriting Festival Nov 2017 PDF

“Henry David Thoreau – Surveyor of Soul” A Film by Huey

IMRC Center - Stewart Commons Androscoggin Road, University of Maine, Orono

“Henry David Thoreau - Surveyor of Soul” A Film by Huey Thoreau wrote that he “was born in the nick of time” in Concord, Massachusetts and went on to famously […]

NAP Grand Reopening/Midterm Study Break

Corbett Hall, room 210 Orono

Native American Programs Grand Reopening/Midterm Study Break Please come join us for light snacks and refreshments Corbett Hall, room 210 Wednesday, October 4, 2017 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

American Indian Student Organizational (AISO) Meeting

Corbett Hall, room 210 Orono

AISO will be holding the first meeting of the semester.  Please consider joining this student group.  For more information you may contact Dylan Smith
