Room and Board Grant
The Native American Room and Board Grant Program is a need based award for qualified Native American students living in a residence hall of the campus where they are matriculating. Students will be subsidized at the double occupancy rate for the student’s residence. Charges for single, double single, or computer or telephone devices, for which there is a separate charge, will be the responsibility of the student tenant. Board charges will be subsidized at the rate associated with the standard meal plan, not to exceed the cost of the maximum meal plan. Room and board charges will be covered only during the traditional academic year (fall and spring terms) and are not covered for breaks between semesters. Exceptions may be granted in cases where a student’s major requires enrollment in an academic session outside the traditional academic year.
- Students must meet all eligibility requirements of the Native American Waiver and Educational Program and be certified as eligible by the Wabanaki Center at the University of Maine.
- Students must be matriculating in an undergraduate or graduate degree program within the University of Maine System, enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours for undergraduates or nine (9) credit hours for graduate students at USM, or six (6) credits hours for graduate students at UM at the end of add/drop, and living in a residence hall of the campus where they are matriculating. Full time enrollment for graduate students working on their thesis or dissertation, and/or on a campus other than UM and USM, will be classified as full time in accordance with the policies on their campus of matriculation. Exceptions to the minimum enrolled hour requirement may be granted in cases where educational accommodations are required. Room and board charges will be covered ONLY during the time period when the student is actively enrolled.
- Students must apply for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and supply all required documentation to the Financial Aid Office at the campus at which they are matriculated. For the academic year and/or the fall semester, the FAFSA must be filed and the aid application completed by Sept. 1. For the spring semester, the FAFSA must be filed and the aid application completed by Jan. 1. In order to qualify for the full range of financial aid available to qualified applicants, students are strongly encouraged to file their FAFSA by the priority financial aid filing date specified at their institution.
- Students must meet all of the general eligibility requirements of the Federal Title IV Financial Aid programs, including Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
- Students who maintain a permanent private residence, other than the parent’s home, within commuting distance of the university are NOT eligible for room and board grants.
- Persons employed by the University of Maine System on a half-time or greater basis and who are carried on the University employee payroll are NOT eligible for the room and board grant.
The maximum eligibility for the Room and Board Grant will not exceed the cost of the standard room and board charges, less all federal and state gift aid the student may receive for the purpose of funding education expenses, as well as other assistance specifically identified as paying for room and board charges. For the purposes of this calculation, 50% of a Federal Pell Grant will be considered. During the award process, the maximum eligibility is then compared to the students remaining need and reduced if necessary so that an over award situation is not created.