Contact Us

If you would like to be contacted personally to have questions answered or to discuss your qualifications for participating in our graduate programs, please contact our graduate coordinator. You might include in your email or be ready to discuss by phone your undergraduate degree major and institution, personal academic background, professional interests, existing grade point average, graduate record exam scores (if completed), and whether you are a domestic or foreign student.

Please contact the Spatial Information Science and Engineering, Spatial Informatics, and MSIS Graduate Coordinator:

Dr. Silvia Nittel
Associate Professor
Office: 334 Boardman Hall
Phone: 207.581.3681

For general administrative or processing matters, contact:

Karen Kidder
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 207.581.2188

For online administrative or processing matters, contact:

Richard Roberts
UMaineOnline Advisor
On-Campus: 207.581.3161
Remote: 859.806.9633