Parker Gassett

Research Interests:

  • Applied Climate Science
  • Community Adaptation

Previous Mitchell Center Research:



  • University of Maine, Ph.D. (Ecology & Environmental Science)
  • Beloit College, Wisconsin, B.S. (Environmental Biology)


Parker’s work helps to connect climate change science and technical support with coastal community leaders in Maine. Most efforts surround developing partnerships that merge practitioners, resource managers, and communities. Parker is the marine specialist for the Maine Climate Science Information Exchange and the community climate resilience coordinator with Maine Sea Grant. He also co-coordinates the Maine Climate Change Adaptation Providers Network (Check out the website:

Selected Publications:

Parker Randall Gassett, Katie O’Brien-Clayton, Carolina Bastidas, Jennie E. Rheuban, Christopher, W. Hunt, Elizabeth Turner, Matthew Liebman, Emily Silva, Adam, R. Pimenta, Jason. Grear, Jackie Motyka, Daniel McCorkle, Esperanza Stancioff, Damian, C. Brady & Aaron, L Strong (2021) Community Science for Coastal Acidification Monitoring and Research, Coastal Management, 49:5, 510-531, DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1947131

Jessie Turner, Parker Gassett, Charlotte Dohrn, Hanna Miller, Chris Boylan & Eric Laschever (2021) Opportunities for U.S. State Governments and in-Region Partners to Address Ocean Acidification through Management and Policy Frameworks, Coastal Management, 49:5, 436-457, DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1947126

Rheuban, J. E., Gassett, P. R., McCorkle, D. C., Hunt, C. W., Liebman, M., Bastidas, C., O’Brien-Clayton, K., Pimenta, A. R., Silva, E., Vlahos, P., Woosley, R. J., Ries, J., Liberti, C. M., Grear, J., Salisbury, J., Brady, D. C., Guay, K., LaVigne, M., Strong, A. L., . . . Turner, E.(2021). Synoptic assessment of coastal total alkalinity through community science. Environmental Research Letters, 16(2), 1-14.

Koweek DA, García-Sánchez C, Brodrick PG, Gassett P, Caldeira K. Evaluating hypoxia alleviation through induced downwelling. Sci Total Environ. 2020 Jun 1;719:137334. PubMed PMID: 32135325.

Report: Supporting Materials for Maine Ocean and Coastal Acidification Action Plan (used within Maine Climate Council Scientific and Technical Subcommittee’s Scientific Assessment):