Caroline L. Noblet


Research Interests

  • Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology
  • Sustainable and Environmental Behavior
  • Environmental Economics
  • Information Processing (Eco-Labels, Message Framing, etc.)
  • Sustainability Science

Research Projects



  • Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture
  • Sustainability Solutions Initiative
  • New England Sustainability Consortium: Safe Beaches & Shellfish

Media Expertise:

  • Sustainable Behavior
  • Public Acceptance of Policy

Student Opportunities:

Currently accepting Master’s students through the School of Economics and the Ecology and Environmental Sciences Program. Also currently accepting applications for undergraduate research assistants.

News Stories


  • University of Maine, Ph.D. (Economic Psychology)
  • University of Maine, M.S. (Resource Economics and Policy)
  • Boston College, B.A. (Economics and Environmental Science)


  • ECO 120: Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECO 377:  Environmental Economics
  • ECO 404/504: Behavioral Economics
  • ECO 403/503 Experimental Economics


Caroline Noblet is an associate professor in the School of Economics at the University of Maine. Her research explores why people act the way they do towards the environment. This question takes her across academic disciplinary boundaries between the fields of economics, psychology, and communication. Noblet’s research has focused on the role of information in making decisions about, and towards, the environment. At a local level, Noblet researches the changing environmental and economic landscape of Maine.

In 2016, Noblet was awarded the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture’s Outstanding Teaching Award and in 2012, Noblet was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award from the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture. Funding for Dr. Noblet’s research has come from the National Science Foundation – EPSCoR, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other sources.

Selected Publications

Goff, S.H., Noblet C.L. and J.R. Anthony. (Accepted May 8, 2020). Economic valuation as a communication device for environmental philanthropy: Evidence from the lab and field. Land Economics.

Rickard, L. N., Britwum, K., Noblet, C. L., & Evans, K. S. (2020). Factory-made or farm fresh? Measuring US support for aquaculture as a food technology. Marine Policy, 103858.

Anderson, M., & Noblet, C. L. (2020). “We are Maine”—Is There an Authentic Maine Public Policy?. Maine Policy Review29(2), 39-44.

Horne, L., Urioste-Stone, S. D., Daigle, J., Noblet, C., Rickard, L., Kohtala, H., & Morgan, A. (2019). Climate change risk perceptions in nature-based tourism systems: a case study from western Maine. Winter tourism: trends and challenges, 73-81.

Rickard, L. N., Noblet, C. L., Duffy, K., & Christian Brayden, W. (2018). Cultivating benefit and risk: Aquaculture representation and interpretation in New England. Society & Natural Resources31(12), 1358-1378.

Teisl, M. F., Noblet, C. L., Corey, R. R., & Giudice, N. A. (2018). Seeing clearly in a virtual reality: Tourist reactions to an offshore wind project. Energy policy122, 601-611.

Noblet, C. L., & McCoy, S. K. (2018). Does one good turn deserve another? Evidence of domain-specific licensing in energy behavior. Environment and Behavior50(8), 839-863.

Goff, S. H., & Noblet, C. L. (2018). Efficient, but immoral?: Assessing market attitudes as multidimensional. Economics Letters170, 96-99.

Horne, L.R., De Urioste-Stone, S., Daigle, J., & Noblet, C. (2018). Using Pile Sorts to Understand Perceptions of Climate Change. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment227, 175-183.

Brayden ᶲ, W.C., C.L. Noblet. K.S. Evans and L. Rickard. (2018) Consumer Preferences for Seafood Attributes of Wild Harvested and Farm-Raised Products. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 22(3), 362-382.

Goffᶲ , S.H., Waring, T.M. and C.L. Noblet (2017) Does Pricing Nature Reduce Support for Conservation?: Evidence from Donation Behavior in an Online Experiment. Ecological Economics, 141, 119-126

Huffᶲ, E. S., Leahy, J. E., Kittredge, D. B., Noblet, C. L., & Weiskittel, A. R. (2017). Psychological distance of timber harvesting for private woodland owners. Forest Policy and Economics, 81, 48-56.

Klein, SJW and Noblet, CL (2017), Exploring Sustainable Energy Economics: Net Metering, Rate Designs and Consumer Behavior, Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 4(2), 23-32(Invited). 1-10. DOI: 10.1007/s40518-017-0073-5

Noblet, C.L., Evans, K.S., Foxᶲ, E.L., Bell, K.P., Kaminskiᶲ, A. (2017). Public acceptance of coastal zone management efforts1 : The role of citizen preferences in allocation of funds. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,46(2), 268-295

Kaminskiᶲ, A., Bell, K.P., Noblet, C.L., and Evans, K.S. (2017) An Economic Evaluation of Coastal Beach Safety Information Seeking Behavior. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 46(2), 365-387.

Anderson, M.W., Teisl, M.F. and Noblet, C.L. (2016) Whose Values Count: Is a Theory of Social Choice for Sustainability Science Possible? Sustainability Science. 11(3), 373-383.

Teisl, M.F., Lando, A.M, Levy,A.S., Noblet, C.L. (2016). Importance of cohorts in analyzing trends in safe at-home food-handling practices. Food Control, 62 (381-389).

Noblet, C.L., Teisl, M.F., Evans, K., Anderson, M.W., McCoy, S.K., and Cervone, E. (2015). Public Preferences for Investments in Renewable Energy Production and Energy Efficiency. Energy Policy 87 (December), 177-186

Noblet, C.L., Anderson, M.W., and Teisl, M.F. (2015). Thinking Past, Thinking Future: An Empirical Test of the Effects of Retrospective Assessment on Future Preferences. Ecological Economics 114, 180-187.

Teisl, M.F., McCoy, S., Marrinan, S., Noblet, C.L., Johnson, T.R., Wibberly, M., Roper, R., Klein, S.J.W. (2015). Will Offshore Energy Face “Fair Winds and Following Seas”?: Understanding the Factors Influencing Offshore Wind Acceptance. Estuaries and Coasts 38,279–286.

Noblet, C.L., Thøgersen, J., & Teisl, M.F. (2014). Who Attempts to Drive Less in New England?. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour 23C: 69-80.

Noblet, C.L., Anderson, M.W., & Lindenfeld, L. (2013). Environmental Worldviews: A Point of Common Contact, or Barrier?. Sustainability 5: 4825-4842.

Noblet, C.L., Anderson, M.W., & Teisl, M.F. (2013). An Empirical Test of Anchoring the NEP Scale in Environmental Ethics. Environmental Education Research 19, no. 4: 540-551.

Noblet, C.L., Teisl, M.F., Farrow, K.H., & Rubin, J. (2012). Biofuels Development in Maine: Using Trees to Oil the Wheels of Sustainability. Maine Policy Review 22, no. 1: 56-65.

Anderson, M.W., Teisl, M.F., & Noblet, C.L. (2012). Giving Voice to the Future in Sustainability: Retrospective Assessment to Learn Prospective Stakeholder Engagement. Ecological Economics 84: 1-6.

Thøgersen, J., & Noblet, C.L., (2012). Does Green Consumerism Increase the Acceptance of Windpower?. Energy Policy 51: 854-862.

Anderson, M.W., Noblet, C.L. & Teisl, M.F. (2012). Our Environment: A Glimpse at What Mainers Value. Maine Policy Review 21, no. 1: 104-111.

Siriwardena, S., Hunt, G., Teisl, M.F., & Noblet, C.L. (2012). Effective Environmental Marketing of Green Cars: A Nested-Logit Approach. Transportation Research D 17, no. 1: 237-242.

Mario F. Teisl, Mark W. Anderson, Caroline L. Noblet, George K. Criner, Jonathan Rubin, and Timothy Dalton, “Are Environmental Professors Unbalanced? Evidence from the Field,” Journal of Environmental Education 42, no. 2 (2010): 67-83.

Reports, Books, and Chapters:

Noblet, C.L.., Lando, A.M.. and Teisl, M.F. 2015. Health Communication: Advocacy Strategies, Effectiveness and Emerging Challenges. Chapter 4: What are Health Care Providers Telling Pregnant Women about Fish Consumption, Listeria and Food Safety? ISBN: 978-1-63483-464-3

Noblet, C.L.and Teisl, M.F.. (2015). Eco-Labelling as Sustainable Consumption PolicyHandbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption Edward Elgar Publishing; John Thøgersen and Lucia Reisch, editors. ISBN: 978 1 78347 126 3

Fox, E., Noblet, C.L., Bell, K.P., Kaminski, A., Snell, M. and Hallowell, A. (July 2016). Maine and New Hampshire Coastal Resident Survey: Technical Report. Technical Report.

Noblet, C.L. and Teisl, M.F. (2014). Eco-Labeling as Sustainable Consumption Policy. in Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption, eds. Edward Elgar, John Thøgersen, and Lucia Reisch.

Noblet, C.L.and Gabe, T.M. (2014). Business Climate for Maine’s Clean Technology Sector. in University of Maine School of Economics Staff Paper (#607).

Katherine Farrow, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Shannon McCoy, and Jonathan Rubin. “Does Money Grow on Trees? People’s Willingness to Pay for Cellulosic Wood Ethanol,” in Biofuel/Book1 (InTech Publishing, 2010).

Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Andrew Knox, and Jonathan Rubin. “Consumer Biofuel Knowledge and Preferences: Results of Focus Groups,” in University of Maine School of Economics Staff Paper (#580, 2009).