Courses Related to Environmental Communication

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Course offerings are subject to change. Please verify information in the Undergraduate Catalog if you see a course that’s of interest.

Courses listed on this page focus on various forms of environmental communication in regard to risk communication, engaging with the public, and aspects of environmental journalism.

Communication and Journalism

CMJ 107 – Communication and the Environment

This course provides an overview of the field of Environmental Communication. Students survey a range of disciplinary approaches including environmental journalism and media, science communication and participation, and public participation and decision making in environmental conflicts.

CMJ 404 – Risk Communication

This course emphasizes the application of comparing and contrasting theories and concepts of risk communication, using several case studies of recent environmental, health, and science related risk issues.

CMJ 407 – SL- Environmental Communication

Study and create effective communication about, for, and with the environment.  Use a service learning model to create projects that connect communication theory and practice with complex social and environmental problems in communities.

School of Forestry Resources

SFR 222 – Environmental Communication Skills

The nature and problems of environmental communication, with opportunities to practice communication through a range of exercises.