Darren Ranco interviewed for NewsCenter Maine story on proposed changes to management tactics for emerald ash borer

Darren Ranco is quoted in a recent story from News Center Maine on proposed changes to management tactics for the emerald ash borer, an invasive insect that threatens ash trees across the country. It was first found in Maine in 2018. Darren is chair of Native American Programs at UMaine, and an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Mitchell Center. He leads the EAB-Ash Task Force and is part of the Mitchell Center project, “Mobilizing to Fight the Emerald Ash Borer.”
“Our research partnerships and engagements with Native basket-makers and harvesters here in Maine and across the northeast show that the EAB is as much a threat to the cultures and well-being of Native communities and economies as it is a threat to trees,” Darren says in the segment. “Deregulation would severely limit the opportunities and methods we collectively have to minimize these harms on Native economic and cultural issues.”