Human Dimensions of Climate Change film series begins March 23
This spring, the Human Dimensions of Climate Change Film Series will host three online film screenings and discussions about the impacts of climate change worldwide:
March 23: “Lobster War”
The disputed 277 square miles of sea known as the Gray Zone were traditionally fished by U.S. lobstermen. But as the Gulf of Maine has warmed, lobsters have migrated north and Canadians have begun to assert their sovereignty in the area, contesting American claims to the bounty and foreshadowing potential conflicts exacerbated by climate change. Discussion will be led by Joshua Stoll, assistant professor of marine science and policy and Mitchell Center faculty fellow.
March 30: “Indigenous Climate Shorts”
From the United Nations University, a series of short films on Indigenous land use, climate change adaptation, and local knowledge. Discussion of knowledge co-production and collaborative research will be led by Bridie McGreavy, associate professor of environmental communication, John Daigle, professor of forest recreation management, and Tony Sutton, Ph.D. in ecology and environmental sciences. Bridie and John are Mitchell Center faculty fellows. Tony is the Community Food Facilitator for the Maine Shellfish Learning Network.
April 6: “Sinking Cities, New York”
Engineers and urban planners work on how New York, with 520 miles of shoreline and no coastal protection, might defend itself against rising seas and storms. Discussion will be led by Southern Connecticut State University researcher Amanda Bertana.
All screenings start at 6 p.m. on Zoom. Use this form to register for some or all of the events.
Cindy Isenhour is one of the lead organizers for the film series, which is sponsored by the UMaine Department of Anthropology, Climate Change Institute, Department of Communication and Journalism, Fogler Library and School of Marine Sciences.