Reopening Reuse guide receives media attention

Reopening Reuse: COVID-19 Safety for Community Reuse in Maine assists community reuse organizations such as thrift stores and swap shops in deciding how, and whether, to open during the pandemic. The guide was created by Brie Berry, a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology and member of the Mitchell Center’s Materials Management team.

“Amid the pandemic many organizations don’t know how to continue their work without putting their volunteers and patrons at risk,” Brie says. “I decided to develop this guide to make it easier for people to assess risk and think creatively about how to reopen during this time. I’d hate to see these reuse organizations shut down, and that is a real risk right now.”

The Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel, and shared a media release about the guide. The Bethel Citizen also posted more information from the guide in a follow-up article.