Andre Khalil


  • B.S. Mathematics, Concordia University, Montreal
  • M.S. Mathematics, Concordia University, Montreal
  • Ph.D. Astrophysics, Universite Laval, Quebec
  • Postdoc Computational Biomedicine, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME

Research Interests

Dr. Andre Khalil is the founder and director of CompuMAINE. He is professor of Mathematics, cooperating professor of Physics, as well as Computing and Information Science at the University of Maine. He is also an Allied Scientist at Eastern Maine Medical Center. He publishes in journals such as PLoS Genetics, Surface Science, Astrophysical Journal, Chromosome Research, PLoS One, and PLoS Biology. He was invited to and presented at research institutions such as Imperial College, London, McGill University, Montreal, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, and Heidelberg University, Germany.

Dr. Khalil and his lab are working with many research groups in biological sciences, medicine, bioengineering, ecology, psychology, chemical engineering, radiology, physics and astronomy. Collaborators include the University of Maine, The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME, where Dr. Khalil holds an adjunct position, and a multitude of other national and international groups in Maine, New Jersey, Idaho, New Mexico, California, Canada, France, Germany, UK, and Russia.

Selected Publications

  • Marin, Z, Wallace, JK, Nadeau, J and Khalil, A 2017 Wavelet-based tracking of bacteria in unreconstructed off-axis holograms. Methods.
  • Marin, Z, Batchelder, KA, Toner, BC, Guimond, L, Gerasimova-Chechkina, E, Harrow, AR, Arneodo, A and Khalil, A 2017 Mammographic evidence of microenvironment changes in tumorous breasts. Medical Physics, 44, 1324-1336. doi:10.1002/mp.12120
  • Gerasimova-Chechkina, E, Toner, B, Marin, Z, Audit, B, Roux, SG, Argoul, F, Khalil, A, Gileva, O, Naimark, O, Arneodo, A 2016 Comparative multifractal analysis of dynamic infrared thermograms and X-ray mammograms enlightens changes in the environment of malignant tumors, Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 336 (15 pages).
  • Plourde, SM, Marin, Z, Smith, ZR, Toner, BC, Batchelder, KA, Khalil, A 2016. Computational growth model of breast microcalcification clusters in simulated mammographic environments. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 76, 7-13.
  • Richard, CD, Tanenbaum, AB, Audit, B, Arneodo, A, Khalil, A, Frankel, WN 2015. SWDreader: A Wavelet-Based Algorithm Using Spectral Phase to Detect and Characterize Spike-Wave Discharges in Three Genetic Mouse Models of Absence Epilepsy, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 242, 127.
  • Batchelder, KA, Tanenbaum, AB, Albert, S, Guimond, L, Kestener, P, Arneodo, A, Khalil, A 2014. Wavelet-based 3D reconstruction of microcalcification clusters from two mammographic views: New Evidence that fractal tumors are malignant and Euclidean tumors are benign, PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107580.
  • Gerasimova, E, Audit, B, Roux, SG, Khalil, A, Argoul, F, Naimark, O, Gileva, O, Arneodo, A 2014. Interdisciplinary approach for estimating and differentiating healthy and cancerous breast tissues with a multifractal analysis of skin temperature dynamics, Russian Journal of Biomechanics, 18(1), 90.
  • Gerasimova, E, Audit, B, Roux, SG, Khalil, A, Gileva, O, Argoul, F, Naimark, O, Arneodo, A 2014 Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of dynamic infrared thermograms to assist in early breast cancer diagnosis, Frontiers in Physiology, 5, 176.
  • Gerasimova, E, Audit, B, Roux, SG, Khalil, A, Argoul, F, Naimark, O, Arneodo, A, 2013. Multifractal Analysis of Dynamic Infrared Imaging of Breast Cancer, Europhysics Letters, 104 (6), 68001.
  • Wu, Y, Batuski, D, Khalil, A, 2013. Nearest Neighbor Vector Analysis of SDSS DR5 Galaxy Distribution, Natural Science, 5 (1), 26619.
  • Goody, MF, Kelly, MW, Reynolds, CJ, Khalil, A, Crawford, BD, Henry, CA 2012. NAD+ Biosynthesis Ameliorates a Zebrafish Model of Muscular Dystrophy, PLoS Biology, 10 (10), e1001409.
  • Wu, Y, Batuski, D, Khalil, A, 2012. Three-Dimensional Filamentation Analysis of SDSS DR5 Survey, IRSN Astronomy & Astrophysics, 171829.
  • McAteer, RT, Kestener, P, Arneodo, A, Khalil, A 2010. Automated Coronal Loop Detection using a Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Method, Solar Physics, Solar Image Processing and Analysis, 262, 387-397.
  • Robitaille, JF, Joncas, G, Khalil, A 2010. Morphological Analysis of HI Features. III. Metric Space Technique Revisited, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405, 636-656.
  • Kestener, P, Conlon, PA, Khalil, A Fennell, L, McAteer, RTJ, Gallagher, PT, Arneodo, A 2010. Characterising Complexity in Compound Systems: Segmentation in Wavelet-Space, Astrophysical Journal, 717, 995-1005.
  • Goody, MF, Kelly, MW, Lessard, KN, Khalil, A, Henry, CA 2010. Nrk2b-Mediated NAD+ Production Regulates Cell Adhesion and is Required for Muscle Morphogenesis in vivo, Developmental Biology, 344, 809-826.
  • Grant, J, Verrill, C, Coustham, V, Arneodo, A, Palladino, F, Monier, K, Khalil, A. Perinuclear distribution of heterochromatin in developing C. elegans embryos, Chromosome Research, (2010) submitted.
  • Khalil A, Mason M, Dickey ID, Zhang R, Aponte C, Davisson TH, Engelman D, Hawkins M 2009. Image analysis of soft-tissue in-growth and attachment into highly porous alumina ceramic foam metals, Medical Engineering and Physics, 31, 775.
  • Wu, Y, Batuski, D, Khalil, A 2009. Multi-Scale Morphological Analysis of SDSS DR5 Survey Using the Metric Space Technique, Astrophysical Journal, 707, 1160-1167.
  • Khalil, A, Mason, M, Dickey, ID, Zhang, R, Aponte, C, Davisson, TH, Engelman, D, Hawkins, M 2009. Pore size and morphology modulate patterning of soft-tissue in-growth into porous titanium implants based on novel imaging tools, Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 34, 478.
  • Dickey, ID, Donahue, DW, Peshlov, B, Nohe, A, Khalil, A, Mason, M, Zhang, R, Aponte, C, Davisson, TH, Engelman, D, Hawkins, M 2009. Pore size modulates strength of soft-tissue in-growth and growth factor expression into novel porous titanium implants, Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 34, 2213.
  • Thibault R, Khalil, A, Tanenbaum, A, Berguiga, L, Delicheree, P, Bonneviot, L, Elezgaray, J, Arneodo, A, Argoul, F 2009. Revisiting the physical processes of vapodeposited thin gold films on chemically modified glass by atomic force and surface plasmon microscopies, Surface Science, 603, 3307-3320.
  • Wu, Y, Khalil, A 2009. The Evolution of the Universe. VDM Verlag. 76pp.
  • Snow CJ, Goody M, Kelly M, Oster, EC, Jones R, Khalil A, Henry C 2008. Zebrafish muscle fiber morphogenesis proceeds via dynamic intercalation of short muscle precursor cells and requires laminin beta-1 and gamma-1, PLoS Genetics, Oct 3; 4(10):e1000219
  • Snow CJ, Peterson, M, Khalil A, Henry C 2008. Muscle development is disrupted in zebrafish embryos deficient for Fibronectin, Developmental Dynamics, 237, 2542-2553
  • Khalil, A, Mason, M, Dickey, ID, Zhang, R, Aponte, C, Davisson, TH, Engelman, D, Hawkins, M 2008. Pattern of Soft Tissue In-Growth into Porous Implants Based on Novel Imaging Tools, Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 33, 1877.
  • Wu, Y, Batuski, D, Khalil, A 2008. The Fractal Structure of the Universe. VDM Verlag. 80pp.
  • Khalil A, Grant, JL, Caddle, LB, Atzema, E, Mills, KD, Arneodo, A 2007. Chromosome territories have a highly non-spherical morphology and non-random positioning. Chromosome Research, 15, 899-916
  • Caddle, LB, Grant, JL, van Hase, J, Denegre, J, Shirley, BJ, Bewersdorf, J, Cremer, C, Arneodo, A, Khalil, A, Mills, KD 2007 Heterologous chromosome territory neighborhoods promote translocation susceptibility in primary lymphocytes, Chromosome Research, 15, 1061-1073
  • Khalil A, Joncas G, Nekka F, Kestener P, Arneodo A 2006. Morphological Analysis of HI Features II: Wavelet-Based Multifractal Formalism, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 165, 512-550.
  • Wu, Y, Batuski, D, & Khalil, A 2006. New statistical methods to analyze the SDSS DR5 galaxy distribution, American Astronomical Society (AAS) Seattle Meeting.
  • Khalil A, Joncas G, and Nekka F 2004. Morphological Analysis of HI Features I: Metric Space Techniques, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 601, 352-364.
  • Khalil A, Joncas G, Nekka F 2002. Exotic Tools for the Morphological Analysis of HI Clouds, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 276, Edited by A. R. Taylor, T.L. Landecker, and A.G. Willis, San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 194-197.
  • Grant, J, Verrill, C, Coustham, V, Arneodo, A, Palladino, F, Monier, K, Khalil, A. Perinuclear distribution of heterochromatin in developing C. elegans embryos, Chromosome Research, submitted.