Justin R. Stevens

Contact Information:

Email Address:  justin.stevens@maine.edu


Location:  NOAA Fisheries in Orono, Maine


B.S University of Maine, Biology, 2001

M.S., University of Maine, Marine Biology, 2019

Advisor:  Dr. Damian Brady


Thesis:  Using Hydroacoustics to Monitor Changes in Fish Populations as Restoration Proceeds, Penobscot River Estuary, Maine


I’m working full-time supporting the various research activities of NOAA Fisheries Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Team.  My core duties include chief scientist on biweekly hydroacoustic cruises and trawl surveys of the Penobscot River Estuary.  This survey has been conducted since 2012 and the data will be the basis of my Master’s thesis.  For my Thesis, I am interested in describing the distributional trends of fish in the estuary during the early period of river restoration in the Penobscot and how it relates to changes in the estuary ecosystem.

Other current research involves juvenile River Herring length and age in the Penobscot Estuary, Rainbow smelt age and population structure, and Atlantic Salmon smolt production modelling.