Colin Eimers
Bates College, BS Biology, 2018
M.S. Professional Science, 2019
Degree: Professional Science Masters
Advisor: Dr. Josh Stoll
Email Address:
Phone: 919.219.7938
Research: My research is examining aquaculture development in coastal Maine, specifically oyster farming in Robinhood Cove, Georgetown, Maine. I started as an undergraduate by helping with the business planning for new oyster farms in the Georgetown community, and have continued my involvement as a graduate student by investigating the differing successes of each oyster farm in Robinhood cove. My goal is to better understand the differing environmental characteristics that affect oyster growth in the cove, and how those characteristics vary from farm to farm. A more developed understanding of these characteristics by location will have a substantially positive impact for any new farmers looking for a farm location. More successful practice will lead to better economic benefits for this small coastal community.