SMS News
Kerr to lead UMaine fisheries research from the Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Viscous Flow Environments in Oceans and Inland Waters by Peter Jumars
Undergraduate, graduate students receive awards at 2019 Student Symposium
Undergraduate, graduate students receive awards at 2019 Student Symposium
Aquaculture projects receive $1.4 million in grants from NOAA
Sentinel North International PhD School
From south to north, young lobsters find cool refuge in deepwater
Wahle named director of the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine
SMS incoming first year students Diving for Boot Camp
Shedding Light on Arctic Marine Ecosystem Services – Field Report
SMS News from NSFA
Coral detectives: Steneck, student team study reef health in Dominican Republic
From coast to coast, companies team up to fund UMaine lobster research
Faculty honored for support, advocacy and mentorship of students
Jumars publishes book on the effects of flow on aquatic processes
Cammen: History can inform ecologically and socially conscious conservation management
During abrupt warming, lobsters in acidic water have reduced heart function, fewer infection-fighting cells
College names 2019 Outstanding Graduate Students
College names Rawson winner of 2019 Outstanding Teaching Award
UMaine students sweep Maine Sustainability and Water Conference poster awards
Eleven college faculty members receive tenure and/or promotion