MTS News
Note: If you know of any articles about MTS students published through UMaine, please let us know by emailing us at or We may have missed them, but we will gladly add them!
Abby Thibodeau: Business students consult companies worldwide through X-Culture
Molly Hale: A Scientific Approach to Preventing Childhood Brain Injury
MTS Mary Milligan: Research Degrading Molecular Bonds
MTS Sadie Waterman: Investigating Skeletal Muscle Cell Formation
MTS Willow Wind: Outstanding Graduating Student
Anthony Caccese: The VEMI Lab Launched its Custom-built Multi-person Autonomous Vehicle Simulator
Hunter Praul: Engaging in Turtle Conservation Research Projects
Wesley Hutchins: Studying and Advocating for Migrating Monarchs
Maine Top Scholars at the 2022 UMaine Student Symposium
Bailey West: UMaine 2021 Valedictorian and Outstanding Graduating Student
Jordan Miner: Outstanding Graduating Student
Jacob Cote: UMaine junior named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar
Anna Briley: 2021 UMaine Student Symposium announces award winners
Delaney Burns: Delaney Burns ’22 Awarded McGillicuddy Humanities Center Fellowship
Evie Clement: UMaine undergraduates chosen as Drug Policy Research Fellows
Anna Briley: Staff Spotlight
Bailey West: Biochemistry major to study in Ireland as Mitchell Peace Scholar
Tian Morrison: VEMI Lab