
Announcing A Workshop with Award-Winning Children’s Author Lynn Plourde!

June 30, 2018 John Bapst High School 100 Broadway, Bangor, ME. 04429   Have you always wanted to write a children’s book? Do you have one floating around in your head right now? Why haven’t you written it? Maybe you need a nudge? You’re in luck! The Maine Writing Project is partnering with award-winning children’s author, Lynn Plourde, to do […]

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2018 Raise Your Voice Workshops

The Maine Writing Project and Maine Public Broadcasting are offering a new opportunity this summer for young people who have ideas they want to share: Raise Your Voice Workshops are free, two-week, summer writing experiences for high school students. This free program will take place from July 23 through August 3 at two separate locations: […]

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2018 Summer Writing Retreat

Description: The idea for a summer writing retreat originated with members that wanted time for writing, sharing, and conferencing among themselves with just enough structure to foster productivity. Some want support for their individual intentions for publication, but your personal writing objective is welcome here. No formal workshops or presenters are planned, although optional guest […]

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2018 Promising Practices Conference

We hope you join us for a day full of writing ideas and activities you can take back to your classroom. See presentations from our newest fellows and bask in a community of fellow writers. This event will take place at DP Corbett Hall, University of Maine, Orono. Date: July 12, 2018, 9-3 pm Location: […]

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