Soils and Water

Following is a list of publications on soils and water that are available from the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. Some publications are also available in an electronic format, which may be accessed by clicking on the publication number.


  • B818–Preliminary protocols for sampling and analysis of ash and sludge amended forest soils, by Fernandez (1988)
  • B811–Field appraisal of resource management systems, FARMS: crop yield and quality relationships with soil erosion, 1982, by Hepler, et al. (1985)
  • B799–Field appraisal of resource management systems FARMS crop yield and quality relationships with soil erosion, by Hepler, Long, and Ferwerda (1983)
  • B791–Soil and topographic features that help predict the manageability of Sugarloaf Mountain, by Saviello and Struchtemeyer (1983)
  • B775–The influence of potassium fertilization on jackpine, by Fernandez and Struchtemeyer (1981)
  • B773–Effects of spraying sewage effluent on forested land at Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine, by David and Struchtemeyer (1980)
  • B764–Nitrogen transformation and movement in a marine sediment soil following treatment with varying rates of poultry manure, by Jeffery and Hutchinson (1980)
  • B753–The uptake of nutrients by Katahdin potatoes as influenced by soil moisture regimes and rates of fertilization, by Kaira and Struchtemeyer (1979)
  • B751–The effects of mechanized harvesting and soil conditions in the spruce-fir region of north central Maine, by Holman, Knight, and Struchtemeyer (1978)

Technical Bulletins

  • TB208– Biological water quality standards to achieve biological condition goals in Maine rivers and streams: Science and policy by Davies, Drummond, Courtemanch, Tsomides, and Danielson (2016)
  • TB207–A Manual for remote sensing of Maine lake clarity, by McCullough, Loftin, and Sader (2013)
  • TB202–Composition and biomass of forest floor vegetation in experimentally acidified paired watersheds at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, by Kenlan, Wiersma, White, and Fernandez (2009)
  • TB200–Carbon and nutrients in Maine forest Soils, by Fernandez (2008)
  • TB196–Temperature, soil moisture, and streamflow at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM), by Fernandez, et al. (2007)
  • TB195–Element concentrations in Maine forest vegetation and soils, by McGee, et al. (2006)
  • TB178–Methods for evaluating carbon fractions in forest soils: A review, by Evans, Fernandez, Rustad, and Norton (2001)
  • TB169–Chemical and physical properties of the Mapleton, Monson, Saddleback, and Sisk soil map units, by Rourke (1998)
  • TB165–Chemical and physical properties of the Danforth, Elliottsville, Peacham, and Penquis soil map units, by Rourke (1997)
  • TB164–Precipitation chemistry at the Greenville, Maine, NADP/NTN Station 1980-1995, by Fernandez and Wortman (1997)
  • TB162–Red maple and white pine litter quality: Initial changes with decomposition, by Delaney, et al. (1996)
  • TB155–Chemical and physical properties of the Chesuncook, Colonel, Dixfield, and Telos soil map units, by Rourke (1994)
  • TB154–Phosphorus and potassium availability in wood ash-amended soils: An incubation study, by Ohno and Erich (1994)
  • TB150–Water tables, soil temperatures, and morphological characteristics in selected Maine soils, by Hughes, Lesniewicz, and Rourke (1993)
  • TB145–Chemical and physical properties of the Fryeburg, Lovewell, Cornish, and Charles soil map units, by Rourke (1991)
  • TB138–Variability factors involved with land application of papermill sludge, by Kraske and Fernandez (1990)
  • TB137–Chemical and physical properties of the Aurelie, Burnham, Easton, Lille, Linneus, Monadnock, Nicholville, and Tunbridge soil map units, by Rourke (1990)
  • TB136–Methodology development for study of root influences on nitrogen mineralization, by Erich (1989)
  • TB134–A laboratory study to assess methods for predicting pH change of ash amended forest soils, by Unger and Fernandez (1989)
  • TB126–Vertical trends in the chemistry of forest soil microcosms following experimental acidification, by Fernandez (1987)
  • TB119–Selected relationships for trace metals in Maine low elevation spruce-fir forest floors, by Fernandez and Czapowskyj (1986)
  • TB118–Composition of precipitation at the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) site in Greenville, Maine, by Fernandez, Wortman, and Norton (1986)
  • TB108–Chemical and physical properties of the Becket, Colton, Finch, Lyman, Masardis, Naumberg, and Skerry soil mapping units, by Rourke and Bull (1981)
  • TB105–The composition of equilibrium soil solutions from forest soil B horizons, by Fernandez and Struchtemeyer (1981)
  • TB098–Oxygen diffusion rate relationships under three soil conditions, by Bornstein, Hedstrom and Scott (1980)
  • TB094–Chemical and physical properties of the Boothbay, Brayton, Croghan, Monarda, Plaisted, Scantic, and Swanville soil mapping units, by Rourke and Schimdt (1979)
  • TB091–Effect of acidity, organic matter, and sesquioxide polymers on permanent charge and pH-dependent cation exchange Caribou loam, by Brown and Hutchinson (1979)
  • TB088–Descriptive and comparative studies of Maine lakes, by Davis, Bailey, Scott, and Norton (1978)
  • TB075–Chemical and physical properties of the Bangor, Dixmont, Caribou, Conant, Perham, and Daigle soil mapping units, by Rourke and Bangs (1975)
  • TB059–Soil characteristics of nesting sites of solitary bees associated with the lowbush blueberry in Maine, by Osgood (1972)
  • TB035–Alpine soils on Saddleback Mountain, Maine, by Bockheim and Struchtemeyer (1969)
  • TB034–Chemical and physical properties of the Charlton, Sutton, Paxton and Woodbridge soil series, by Rourke and Beek (1969)
  • TB032–Evaluation of soil sites for white pine in Maine, by Stratton and Stuchtemeyer (1968)
  • TB031–The chemical properties of seven agricultural soil series and their relationship to soil fertility, by Hutchinson (1968)
  • TB029–Soil-water, chemical and physical characteristics of eight soil series in Maine, by Rourke and Beek (1968)
  • TB023–Studies concerning the retention of organic materials in clays, by Frost and Gausman (1966)
  • TB022–Design, construction and calibration of a laboratory rainfall simulator, by Epstein and Grant (1966)
  • TB011–Speculation on recovery of rubidium from clays, by Gausman and Frost (1964)
  • TB002–Physical properties and moisture relationships of some representative Maine soil types, by Grant and Epstein (1962)

Miscellaneous Reports

  • MR447–Seasonal water table and temperature relationships in calcareous till and residual soils of central Maine, by Turcotte, Dorion, Butler, and Fernandez (2015)
  • MR402–The soils of Maine, by Ferwerda et al. (1997) Accompanying soil map for the state of Maine (approximately 22 by 33 inches)
  • MR398–Water quality affects property prices: A case study of selected Maine lakes , by Michael, Boyle, and Bouchard (1996)