Miscellaneous Reports
2000s | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s | 1950s
A listing of all Miscellaneous Reports still available in either print or electronic (pdf) format.
- MR448–Bees and their Habitats in Four New England States
- MR447–Seasonal water table and temperature relationships in calcareous till and residual soils of central Maine, by Turcotte, Dorion, Butler, and Fernandez (2015)
- MR446–Profiles of Sixteen Eastern Maine Fishing Communities, by Teresa R. Johnson, et al. (2015)
- MR445–Maine wild blueberry growers: A 2010 economic and sociological analysis of a traditional Downeast crop in transition, by Rose, Drummond, Yarborough, and Asare (2013)
- MR443 Maine coastal islands visitor survey 2006–Deer Isle/Stonington region, by Ednie and Daigle (2007)
- MR442–Business climate for Maine’s environmental and energy technology sector, by Noblet and Gabe (2007)
- MR441–An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: Kentucky bluegrasses, by Langille (2007)
- MR439–An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: Fineleaf fescues, by Langille (2006)
- MR437–An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: The bentgrasses, by Pennucci and Langille (2005)
- MR436–Allagash Wilderness Waterway Visitor Survey 2003, by Daigle (2005)
- MR434–Designing effective environmental labels for passenger vehicle sales in Maine: Results of focus group research, by Teisl, et al. (2004)
- MR433— Malting quality of Maine-grown barley, by Surjawan, et al. (2004)
- MR432—The business climate for biotechnology in Maine, by Allen and Gabe (2003)
- MR430—An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: Tall fescue, by Langille and Pennucci (2002)
- MR427–Flexible greenhouse gas emission banking systems, by Rubin and Leiby (2002)
- MR426–The contribution of the golf industry to the Maine economy, by Allen and Gabe (2001)
- MR421–The effects of water clarity on economic values and economic impacts of recreational uses of Maine’s great ponds, by Schuetz et al. (2001)
- MR420–Designing effective environmental labels for forest products: Results of focus group research, by Teisl et al. (2000)
- MR418–Farm property taxes in Maine, by Allen and Boyle (2000)
- MR416–An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: Perennial ryegrass, by Langille and Pennucci (2000)
- MR415–Why not tame the wild blueberry, by Litten and Smagula (2000)
- MR414–Public preferences for timber harvesting on private forest land purchased for public ownership in Maine , by Boyle and Teisl (1999)
- MR413–An evaluation of turfgrass species and varieties: Fineleaf fescue, by Pennucci and Langille (1999)
- MR412–Wood properties of red pine, by Deresse and Shepard (1999)
- MR410–Lakefront property owners’ economic demand for water clarity in Maine lakes, by Boyle, et al. (1998)
- MR409–Economic benefits of wetlands: A hedonic study in Windham, Maine, by Kluge and White (1999)
- MR407–Input use in Maine’s wood products industry, by Lindahl and Plantinga (1998)
- MR405–Response of young black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) to a mixture of wood ash and secondary papermill sludge, by Shepard (1997)
- MR404–Blueberry surprise from phosphorus, by Litten, Smagula, and Dunham (1997)
- MR402–The soils of Maine, by Ferwerda et al. (1997) Accompanying soil map for the state of Maine (approximately 22 by 33 inches)
- MR400–Assessing compliance with BMPs on harvested sites in Maine: Final report, by Briggs, Kimball, and Cormier (1996)
- MR399–Forestry-related nonpoint source pollution in Maine: A literature review, by Stafford, Leathers, and Briggs (1996)
- MR398–Water quality affects property prices: A case study of selected Maine lakes, by Michael, Boyle, and Bouchard (1996)
- MR394–Enterprise budgets for Maine blueberries: Three production methods, by Marra, Criner, and Carmichael (1995)
- MR391–Maine Campground Occupancy Survey 1994, by Reiling, Reiling, and Montville (1995)
- MR390–Survey of interest in creating an agribusiness park for selected Maine resource-based industries, by Kezis et al. (1995)
- MR387–Crossing the Kennebec River on the Appalachian Trail in Maine, by Tynon and Rybicki (1995)
- MR381–Penobscot River Recreation Study, by Tynon and Fusselman (1994)
- MR379–Wood-using industry and manufacturing networks in Denmark–An introductory assessment and lessons for Maine, by Irland (1993)
- MR374–Measuring tourism impacts at the community level, ed. by Reiling (1993)
- MR373–Spruce budworms bibliography, 1986-1990, by White (1992)
- MR372— The U.S. lobster market and seasonal exvessel price response, by Cheng and Townsend (1992)
- MR358–An economic and waste management analysis of Maine’s bottle deposit legislation, by Criner, Jacobs, and Peavey (1991)
- MR355–Consumer evaluations of selected Maine potato varieties in home use: Findings from market tests of 1988 and 1989, by Smith, et al. (1991)
- MR351–A collection of regional economic models for the state of Maine: an application of the IMPLAN modeling system, by Deller (1991)
- MR346–Marketing Maine potatoes to foodservice: A case study, by Peavey, et al. (1990)
- MR345–Maine Food Processors’ Association: Needs and opportunities, by Smith, et al. (1990)
- MR344–Documentation for the Maine Farm Energy Audit System, by Jacobs and Criner (1990)
- MR332–Estimated 1988 theoretical processing and distribution costs for the Maine dairy industry, by Criner et al. (1989)
- MR253–A landowner’s guide to woodcock management in the Northeast, by Sepick, Owen, and Coulter (1981)
- MR230–Weight tables for tree and shrub species in Maine, by Young, Ribe, and Wainwright (1980)