Following is a list of publications on insects that are available from the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. Some publications are also available in an electronic format, which may be accessed by clicking on the publication number.
- B837–New approaches to chemical control of white pine weevil damage, by Dimond and Bradbury (1992)
- B819–The spruce budworm outbreak in Maine in the 1970’s–Assessment and directions for the future, by Irland, Dimond, Stone, Falk, Baum (1988)
- B786–Pulping of budworm-killed balsam fir, by Minerowicz, et al. (1982)
- B759–Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) phenology in Maine, by Mingo and Dimond (1979)
- B658–Susceptibility and vulnerability of forests to the pine leaf aphid, by Dimond and Bishop (1968)
- B602–Progress on insect and disease problems on potatoes in Maine: Biology and control of aphids, by Simpson and Shands (1962)
Technical Bulletins
- TB208– Biological water quality standards to achieve biological condition goals in Maine rivers and streams: Science and policy by Davies, Drummond, Courtemanch, Tsomides, and Danielson (2016)
- TB206–Biodiversity of the Schoodic Peninsula: Results of the insect and arachnid bioblitzes at the Schoodic District of Acadia National Park, Maine, by Chandler, Manski, Donahue, and Alyokhin (2012)
- TB199–Ant-homopteran relationships: Relevance to ant invasion in Maine, by McPhee, Groden, and Drummond (2008)
- TB192–The use of glyphosate herbicides in managed forest ecosystems and their effects on non-target organisms with particular reference to ants as bioindicators, by Guiseppe, et al. (2006)
- TB191–Conservation and management of native bees in cranberry, by Loose, et al. (2005)
- TB190–Spider predation in agroecosystems: Can spiders effectively control pest populations? By Maloney, Drummond, and Alford (2003)
- TB176–Agrelation: A computerized decision-making tool for Colorado potato beetle population management and environmental quality concerns, by Ziegler, et al. (2000)
- TB172–Evaluation of entomopathogens for biological control of insects pest of lowbush (wild) blueberry, by Drummond and Groden (2000)
- TB163–Insect predation of seeds and plant population dynamics, by Zhang, et al. (1997)
- TB160–The horse flies and deer flies of Maine (Diptera, Tabanidae), by Pechuman and Dearborn (1996)
- TB151–The balsam gall midge–An economic pest of balsam fir Christmas trees, by Osgood, Bradbury, and Drummond (1992)
- TB148–Alternative forage plants for native (wild) bees associated with lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium spp., in Maine, by Stubbs, et al. (1992)
- TB147–Simulating the development of Mexican bean beetle immature stages, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant on dry beans, by Fan, Drummond, and Groden (1991)
- TB142–Mayflies of Maine: An annotated faunal list, by Burian and Gibbs (1991)
- TB133–Experimental stream applications of B.t.i. for human nuisance black fly management in the recreational area, by Gibbs, et al. (1988)
- TB130–Sequential sampling in surveys of overwintering larvae of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), by Dimond and Trial (1988)
- TB129–Chemical control of balsam gall midge Paradiplosis tumifex Gagne (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), by Bradbury and Osgood (1987)
- TB128—Beauveria bassiana for control of Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Maine, by Storch and Dill (1987)
- TB124–Chemical control of balsam twig aphid, Momdaris abietinus Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae), by Bradbury and Osgood (1986)
- TB123–Experimental application of B.t.i. for larval black fly control: Persistence and downstream carry, efficacy, impact on non-target organisms, by Gibbs, et al. (1986)
- TB121–Patterns of tree mortality during an uncontrolled spruce budworm outbreak in Baxter State Park, 1983, by Osawa, Spies, and Dimond (1986)
- TB115–Growth and development of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) fed foliage of three Solanum species, by Melville, et al. (1985)
- TB114–The Lepidoptera of Maine, Part II, Section 2, by Brower (1984)
- TB113–A field test of mating-suppression using the spruce budworm sex pheromone, by Dimond, et al. (1984)
- TB112–Chemical control of spruce budmoth, Zeiraphera canadensis Mut. and Free. (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae) on white spruce in Maine, by Holmes and Osgood (1984)
- TB110–The biology and ecology of Dioryctria resinosella Mutuura (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on young red pine in Maine, by Patterson, Tracy, and Osgood (1982)
- TB109–The Lepidoptera of Maine, Part II, The Microlepidopters, Limocodidae through Cossidae, by Brower (1982)
- TB107–Effects of some naturally occurring chemicals and extracts of non-hoist plants on feeding by spruce budworm larvae, (Choristoneura fumiferana), by Bentley, et al. (1982)
- TB100–The aquatic insects of the Narraguagus River, Washington and Hancock counties, by Mingo and Gibbs (1980)
- TB095–The black flies of Maine, by Bauer and Granett (1979)
- TB092–The aquatic insects of the St. John River Drainage of Aroostook County, Maine, by Mingo, Courtemanch, and Gibbs (1979)
- TB090–The effects of spraying with Sevin-4-oil on insect pollinators and pollination in a spruce-fir forest, by Miliczky and Osgood (1979)
- TB084–Controlling the Saratoga spittlebug in young red pine plantations by the removal of alternate hosts, by Linnane and Osgood (1976)
- TB081–Investigations of the life history and habits of Pityokteines sparsus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), by Hosking and Knight (1976)
- TB080–Scanning electron microscopy of insects: techniques for the novice, by Hosking et al. (1976)
- TB076–Production of Entomophthora resting spores for biological control of aphids, by Soper, et al. (1975)
- TB068–Sequential surveys for the pine leaf chermid, by Dimond (1974)
- TB066–A list of the Lepidoptera of Maine–Part I, the Macrolepidoptera, by Brower (1974)
- TB060–Survey of internal parasites of potato infesting aphids in northeastern Maine, by Shands, Simpson, and Gordon (1972)
- TB059–Soil characteristics of nesting sites of solitary bees associated with the lowbush blueberry in Maine, by Osgood (1972)
- TB057–Effects of cultural methods for controlling aphids on potatoes in northeastern Maine, by Shands, Simpson, and Murphy (1972)
- TB056–Effects of differing abundance levels of aphids and of certain virus diseases upon yield and virus disease spread in potatoes, by Shands, et al. (1972)
- TB054–Importance of arthropod predators in controlling aphids on potatoes in northeastern Maine, by Shands, et al. (1972)
- TB052–Seasonal population trends and productiveness of the potato aphid on swamp rose in Northeastern Maine, by Shands, Simpson, and Wave (1971)
- TB051–Seasonal history of the buckhorn aphid and suitability of alder-leaved buckhorn as a primary host in northeastern Maine, by Shands and Simpson (1971)
- TB048–The water beetles of Maine: Including the families Gyridiae, Haliplidae, Dytiscidea, Noteridae, and Hydrophilidae, by Malcom (1971)
- TB043–Field recognition of the larvae of native Coccinellidae, common to the potato fields of Aroostook County, by Storch (1970)
- TB039–Canada plum, Prunus nigra Aiton, as a primary host of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), in northeastern Maine, by Shands, Simpson and Wave (1969)
- TB026–Native bees associated with low-bush blueberry in Maine and eastern Canada, by Boulanger, et al. (1967)
- TB024–The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Maine excepting the family Hydroptilidae, by Blickle and Morse (1966)
- TB019–Parasites of potato-infesting aphids in Northeastern Maine, by Shands, et al. (1965)
- TB006–Importance of entomogenous fungi in controlling aphids on potatoes in northeastern Maine, by Shands, Simpson, and Hall (1963)
- TB004–The crane flies of Maine, by Alexander (1963)
Miscellaneous Publications
- MP764–Field Manual for Managing Eastern White Pine Health in New England, by Livingston, Munck, Lombard, Weimer, Bergdahl, Kenefic, Schultz and Seymour (2019)
- MP763–Without benefit of Insects: The story of Edith M. Patch of the University of Maine, by Gibbs (2014)
- MP686–Bibliography of literature of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, by Dill and Storch (1992)
Miscellaneous Reports
- MR448–Bees and their Habitats in Four New England States, by Dibble, Drummond, Averill, Bickerman-Martens, Bosworth, Bushman, Hoshide, Leach, Skyrm, Venturini and White (2018)
- MR373–Spruce budworms bibliography, 1986-1990, by White (1992)