The Springfield Fair is an agricultural Maine fair in the heart of the Highlands Region! Since 1850, we have celebrated our colorful traditions in June, and we are more than excited to invite you to the 174th Springfield Fair on June 13, 14, 15, and 16th! Events include eel racing, mutton busting, baking contests, tractor […]
Each year, MVSFGA has two twilight meetings. A twilight meeting is hosted at a member's farm. The host provides a tour, and provides more insight into how their business works. These […]
Oxford County Soil & Water Conservation District will host a workshop exploring climate change effects on Maine's forest flora. Maine’s native tree and shrub species will be dealing with climate […]
Program description: Join us at Quinn’s Tree Farm in Cornville for an introduction to integrated pest management in Christmas tree production. Participants will learn how to apply crop protectants using […]
Learn about the history of forestry and logging in Maine. Take a step back to the 1790's by visiting the Leonard's Mills living history site and witnessing logging demonstrations, and […]