Oxford County Soil & Water Conservation District will host a workshop exploring climate change effects on Maine’s forest flora.
Maine’s native tree and shrub species will be dealing with climate change in different ways.
Some will adapt faster than others, others will struggle and could potentially be lost.
OCSWCD Project Manager, Michele Windsor, will lead a walk in the District’s Tenmile River
Demonstration Forest to identify many of the species that are expected to more resilient as
well as species that will be adversely affected by climate change. She’ll also explore
“assisted migration” of some more southern native species that can easily be introduced in
Maine to fill the voids in wildlife habitat and forest biodiversity as participants tour the
Agroforestry and Climate Resiliency Demonstration Project.
This event is free! Please register to let us know you will be coming.
While not an organization affiliated with the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, we seek to support and promote agriculture across Maine.