The Cumberland County Food Security Council invites farmers to attend “Goat Health Screening Basics” training at Somali Bantu Community Association’s Liberation Farms at 1002 Gardiner Road in Wales on Wednesday, July 24 from 10 am to noon.
Liberation Farms staff will provide a hands-on demonstration of how to conduct monthly health screenings and hoof trimmings of goats, utilizing some basic and some state-of-the-art tools to demonstrate proper goat health care. There will be an opportunity to practice with guidance from staff.
CCFSC is able to support payment for interpreters and organize transportation if necessary, and can also provide participant support stipends for costs such as childcare, mileage, offset work, meals, etc. Participation is capped at 20, and as a USDA 2501 Program, “socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers” will be prioritized, but all interested farmers are invited to RSVP by contacting Bri Bowman at or (207) 939-1133 by July 19. Please let them know if you need any accommodations when you RSVP.
This is the second in a series of trainings, farm visits, and events that are designed to support farmers in understanding how to establish a goat operation and learn about models for accessing land and capital for these operations.