Timothy Waring


🕸Ecology, 📈 Economics, ∆ Evolution

Waring aims to advance understanding of the forces that guide human cooperation–a key component of fair and sustainable resource management. He studies how social norms, institutions and societies evolve, and how they are influenced by ecological and social forces. He uses experimental economics and agent-based modeling to explore these connections. Visit Waring’s biography to learn more.

A bubble graph demonstrating a 75% research and 25% teaching appointment split.
Waring balances time between teaching (25%) courses about evolutionary economics, sustainability, agent based modeling, mathematical models of social evolution, and economic data analysis with R, and research (75%) on how social norms, institutions, and societies evolve in response to social and ecological forces in order to help build durable, sustainable and just societies and institutions.

Appointment details

Waring’s work is supported by:

  • School of Economics at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station
  • Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

Experiment Station contributions

  • Current project: Cultural and cooperative dynamics of sustainable behaviors and institutions. Hatch project number ME022008.