Evaluating the influence of climate change, natural disturbance, and management on future forest structure and composition
Recent advances in computer technology, forest data, and remote sensing have enhanced the ability to make both short- and long-term projections of future forest conditions. These computer-simulation tools allow both researchers and natural resource professionals to evaluate alternative forest-management strategies, test the sensitivity of the system to various factors, and conduct financial assessments. However, these computer-simulation tools often struggle to accurately reflect stochastic events like forest disturbances, which will likely be altered with future climate change. This research and product development will help advance our understanding of how to accurately represent and forecast key forest disturbance agents in Maine and the greater Northern Forest region. This will be an important contribution towards advancing sustainable and ecologically sensitive forest management strategies.
Investigator: Weiskittel, A.
Unit: School of Forest Resources
Termination Date: 30-Sep-19