Renewable nanocomposites made from lignocellulosic fillers and transparent polymer matrices
Recent advances in the production of nano-scale materials from renewable forest-based resources provide new opportunities to positively affect the nation’s economy and overcome the shortcomings of other nano-scale materials that require imported rare earth metals, need high energy inputs, and are difficult to scale up. Novel renewable forest-based nanocomposites may enable the development of new products and processes to sustainably meet the needs of several segments of the US industry/economy such as packaging, construction, and transportation. Imagine transparent nanocomposites produced from forest-based nanomaterials that result in carbon neutral, compostable, and combustible waste streams! These products and others are potentially disruptive technologies utilizing domestically produced renewable materials that will positively impact our society and the environment, create new industries and domestic jobs, reduce our dependence on imported petroleum, and sequester carbon. This research and development program will enable these technologies and transition them to new products and processes.
Investigator: Gardner, D.
Unit: School of Forest Resources
Termination Date: 30-Sep-17