Fall 2020 Courses

JST 200-0001 – Introduction to Judaism, 3 Cr., The Maples 17, 11:00-12:15 PM, TTh

This course presents students with a survey of the developments in Jewish belief, practice, institutions and self-understanding from the Biblical period through the present day.  Through the study of both primary and secondary sources, students will become familiar with the major canonical texts of Judaism, religious law, liturgy, rites of passage, the Sabbath and festivals.  Students will learn how Jewish values, beliefs, philosophies, rituals and institutions developed within a variety of historical and cultural settings.  Students will learn of the unique way in which Jews and Judaism engage with themselves, with G-d, and with humanity. General Education: Western Cultural Tradition. Instructor: Rabbi Darah R Lerner, darah.lerner@maine.edu

HBR 102-0001 – Beginning Modern Hebrew I, 3 Cr., Boardman 107, 2:00-3:15 PM, TTh  

A systematic study of the basics of the Hebrew language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing skills. For students with minimal or no previous knowledge of Modern Hebrew. General Education: Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives. Instructor: Shellie Batuski, shellie.batuski@maine.edu

HTY 411-0001 – The Holocaust, 3 Cr., Barrows 125, 2:00-2:50 PM, MWF

The Nazi persecution and extermination of European Jews (1933-1945) including the exploration of modern anti-Semitism, Nazi ideology, the persecution of German Jews after 1933, and the extermination of six million European Jews in Nazi occupied Europe during the Second World War. Prerequisites: Three credits in History or instructor permission. General Education: Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives and Western Cultural Tradition. Instructor: Anne Knowles, anne.knowles@maine.edu

PHI 105-0001 – Introduction to Religious Studies, 3 Cr., Stevens 365, 9:30-10:45 AM, TTh

An analysis of religion as an expression of human culture past and present. Considers institutional and non-institutional manifestations of religion as conveyed through myth and symbol, religious experience, struggle for societal change, mysticism, and quests for the articulation of human values. Inquiry by various disciplines will be considered, e.g., anthropology, psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, and theology. General Education: Social Contexts & Institutions and Western Cultural Tradition. Instructor: Derek A. Michaud, derek.a.michaud@maine.edu.

SOC 308-0001 – Problems of Violence and Terrorism, 3 Cr., Boardman 107, 1:00-3:50 PM, W

The nature and causes of revolutionary and government-sponsored international terrorism. The future of terrorism and how to cope with it. The institutionalization of terrorism in pre-modern and contemporary totalitarian states. The social causes of war and social conflict. Social preconditions for the maintenance of a sustainable peace. An examination of the nature of human aggression. Prerequisite: SOC 101 or permission. General Education: Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Ethics, and Writing Intensive. Instructor: Karyn Sporer, karyn.sporer@maine.edu.


Click here for PDF of Fall 2020 Course List