HELP University

The University of Maine developed articulation agreements with HELP University Malaysia in 2022. We encourage HELP University students to consider continuing their education by earning a bachelor’s degree at UMaine.

Application Process

  • Help University students will apply as transfer applicants to the University of Maine. Detailed applications instructions are available here.
  • Transfer students from HELP University will be considered for an international merit scholarship as part of the admission process. No additional application is required. 
  • For questions, please email

Articulation Agreements

Below are programs supported by UMaine and HELP University that are available to HELP University students.

UMaine’s Business Administration programs are accredited by AACSB-International. UMaine’s Marketing program prepares students for careers in retail management, services marketing, sales, advertising, marketing research and international marketing. UMaine’s Management program, available on-campus or fully online, prepares students for management careers in business, government, nonprofit, or industries. UMaine’s Finance program prepares students for careers in financial management in business, management and nonprofit organizations; commercial and investment banking; and brokerage.

The University of Maine’s psychology major is designed to foster a scientific understanding of behavior by exploring the wide range of factors that shape it — from molecules to the brain as a whole, from sensory input to reasoning, and from genetics to social and cultural influences. Students explore how behavior develops from infancy to old age and what it means for a behavior to be considered pathological.

This agreement identifies how individual HELP University courses transfer to UMaine.

Please note: These agreements are frequently renewed and may at times be under renewal. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your academic adviser at HELP University or the UMaine Office of International Programs.


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