Austin Kidder
Hometown: Topsham, ME
Major: Mechanical Engineering.
What do you love about Maine? The small business culture. In my opinion it is the best place to be an entrepreneur. The lower population gives more purpose to relationships and connections because everyone knows everyone.
What’s something unexpected about you? I windsurf on the Great Lakes. Not professionally, but I do like to go out in the rough windy weather.
How would you describe yourself in just three words? Innovative entrepreneurial engineer.
What would you consider your biggest accomplishment? The business I ran for 10 years. When I was nine years old I started Dusty’s Toys. I initially made rope and tennis ball dog toys and further expanded to lacrosse balls as I received more customer feedback. Within the 10 years I expanded into multiple stores, participated in craft fairs, trade shows and sold my toys in over 50 stores all across New England and parts of New York. However, many people ask why I stopped Dusty’s Toys and it’s because I want to move on to new things. I am in college and I have found there are many new opportunities for myself to I grow as a Mechanical and Innovation Engineer.
What company are you working for? This summer I am a project intern working with several companies.