
International Students sampling local made maple syrup at a local sugar house on Maine Maple Sunday

Maine Maple Sunday Spring 2024

Mireille Le Gal, International Student and Scholar Advisor at OIP, led a group of international students to visit a local sugar house on Maine Maple Sunday in Clifton, ME. Trips, such as this one, are always a great learning experience for students and a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and connect with one another. […]

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Students Kayaking on the Penobscot River

Cultural Events & Trips Fall 2023

International students enjoyed an afternoon of paddling on the Penobscot River recently while raising money to support cancer research. The International Student Association sponsored a team in the 2023 Northern Light Champion the Cure Challenge, an annual event that funds local cancer research and enhances patients’ care and their experience living with cancer. The 20 students who participated raised […]

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International Students at Rogers Farms

Intensive English Institute Fall 2023

On September 9, 2023 on a beautiful sunny day, a group of International students visited Rogers Farms for the Field Day and Fun Run event. The students had the opportunity to pick beautiful flowers, learn about pollinators and native plants, observe planting techniques, craft with natural elements, try delicious cookies made with locally grown veggies and more. The Roger […]

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