Stefano Tijerina
Stefano Tijerina was raised in a bicultural environment, moving between Bogotá, Colombia and Southern Texas throughout most of his early life. Early in his professional career he worked for Colombia’s Ministry of Transportation. He then worked for Brazilian and American financial entities in Colombia and Texas and then worked for non-profit management, prior to shifting to an academic career. He obtained his BA from Clark University, an Advanced Certificate in International Relations from Universidad de los Andes, an MPA from the University of Maine,and a PhD in History from the University of Maine. He is a multidisciplinary scholar with experience in the areas of Political Science, Public Policy, Public Management, History, Economics, Business, International Relations, and Area Studies (Canada/LatinAmerica). He has been teaching at the University of Maine since 2007 and at Husson University since 2011.
Selected Publications
- In Business we Trust: Canada and Colombia 1809-2002. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (under contract).
- “The Role of Canadian Financial Entities in the Development of Colombia’s Financial Markets, 1896-1939.” Ensayos Sobre Political Economica 30, no. 67 (2012).
- “One Cinderblock at a Time: Historiography of Canadian-Latin American and Canadian-Colombian Relations.” Desafios 1, no. 24 (2012): 275-292.
- “Ahora o Nunca: La Misión Ministerial Canadiense a América Latina y su Impacto en las Relaciones Bilaterales con Colombia”. Perspectivas Colombo Canadienses 2 (2009): 10-29.