Scott W. See

Ph.D., University of Maine, 1984

I taught graduate and undergraduate courses on a variety of Canadian, American, and Canadian-American topics at the University of Maine. Before coming to UM in 1997, I was on the faculty of the University of Vermont for twelve years. While at UVM, I received the University’s Kroepsch-Maurice Award for Teaching and served as Acting Director of the Canadian Studies Program. During 2013-2014 I was Fulbright Research Chair at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and from 1995-1996 I was a Fulbright Research Fellow at the National Archives and National Library of Canada in Ottawa. I sat on the editorial boards of Acadiensis and The American Review of Canadian Studies. I served on the Board of Directors of the Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada at St. Mary’s University and on the Executive Council of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States. My research interests include social and political conflict in Canada, as well as the history of the borderlands region of New England, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada. I served as chair of the University of Maine History Department from 2003 to 2008, and I was the first Director of the University of Maine Humanities Center from 2010 to 2012.

  • The History of Canada (First Edition: Greenwood Press: 2001; Second Edition: Grey House Publishing, 2010).
  • Riots in New Brunswick: Orange Nativism and Social Violence in the 1840s (University of Toronto Press: 1993; second printing, 1999).
  • “‘A Colonial Hybrid’: Nineteenth-Century Loyalism as Articulated by the Orange Order in the Maritime Colonies of British North America,” in Allan Blackstock and Frank O’Gorman, eds., Loyalism and the Formation of the British World 1775-1914 (Boydell Press, 2014).
  • “The Intellectual Construction of Canada’s ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ Ideal,” Journal of Canadian Studies 52:1 (2018).
  • “Variations on a Borderlands Theme: Nativism and Collective Violence in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” in Stephen J. Hornsby and John G. Reid, eds., New England and the Maritime Provinces: Connections and Comparisons (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005).
  • “Old Wine in New Bottles? An Overview of Two Centuries of Free Trade between the United States and Canada,” Maine Policy Review 12 (Spring 2003): 14-21.
  • “‘An Unprecedented Influx’: Nativism and Irish Famine Immigration to Canada,” The American Review of Canadian Studies 30 (Winter, 2000): 429-53.
  • “Nineteenth-Century Collective Violence: Toward a North American Context,” Labour/Le Travail 39 (Spring, 1997): 1-26.
  • “`Mickies and Demons’ vs. `Bigots and Boobies’: The Woodstock Riot of 1847,” Acadiensis 21 (Autumn, 1991): 110-131.
  • “Polling Crowds and Social Violence: New Brunswick’s `Fighting Elections’ of 1842-43,” The Canadian Historical Review 72 (June, 1991): 127-156.
  • “The Fortunes of the Orange Order,” in Peter Toner, ed., New Ireland Remembered: Historical Essays on the Irish in New Brunswick (New Ireland Press, 1988, 1989): 90-105.

Works in Progress:

  • Book manuscript: Affront to Peace and Order: Collective Violence in Nineteenth-Century Canada (Under contract with University of Toronto Press)
  • Book manuscript: Violence, Order, and Modernity in Early Canada, 1749-1876 (edited with Elizabeth Mancke, Jerry Bannister, and Denis McKim; under review at University of Toronto Press)