HTY 599: Special Topics in History: Ethnohistory
Instructor: Professor Micah Pawling
Time: Thursday 4:00-5:50 p.m.
Course Number: 86703, 86705
Location: Stevens Hall 310, Online
Description: What is ethnohistory? First coined in the mid-twentieth century, ethnohistory is a cooperative undertaking that employs methodologies from both history and anthropology. Ethnohistory is the study of ethnographic cultures and Indigenous practices through a variety of sources. The course examines this innovative method to better understand Native American perspectives through time. It explores how ethnohistory and research on American Indian communities have changed across the North American continent. Chosen research projects will reevaluate written sources and consult additional evidence to gain Native viewpoints. Readings address more recent developments in the field including oral histories, language, sense of place, ethics, sovereignty, current political events, and research collaboration with Indigenous communities. The aim of the final short paper is to contribute to your thesis.
Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate students, senior history majors and others by permission.