Anne Bardaglio

Ph.D. Student

Advisor:  Mary Freeman

Jacob Barker

MA Student

Advisor:  Anne Knowles

James Biella

4+1 MA Student

Advisor:  Liam Riordan

Christian Bradford

MA Student

Joseph Campbell

MA Student

Advisor:  Anne Knowles

Savannah Clark

M.A. Student

Fields: Nineteenth-Century American history, Women’s history, Religious history

Advisor: Mary Freeman

Education: BA in History and Religious Studies from Gettysburg College in 2018 and MA in History from University of Maine in 2022

Research Interests: My research focuses on the experiences of Northern New England women during the Civil War

David Coombs

Ph.D. Student

Fields: His most recent work investigates the intersecting roles of the Teamsters union, deregulation, and the trucking industry-in-transition during a 564-day strike involving Coles Express of Maine in 1982.

Advisor:  Anne Knowles

Education: B.A. in Philosophy (2016) and M.A. in English and Education (2019), University of Nevada

Research Interests:  His research examines the effects of government deregulation and corporate centralization in late twentieth century New England, as seen through the eyes of the trucking industry.

Derek DeMello

Ph.D. Student 

Fields: Northeastern Native Americans, Ethnohistory, Environmental History

Advisor:  Micah Pawling

Education: BA in History with minor in secondary education from Bridgewater State University (2010); MA in history and CGS in public history from Rhode Island College (2023)

Research Interests: My research interests are the Native peoples of northeast North America and their cultures, intertribal relationships, land and resource utilization, actions when faced with European settler colonialism and invasive species, and persistence to the present day. My MA thesis work examined the historiography of King Philip’s War.

Publications: Review of The Slow Rush of Colonization: Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680-1790 by Thomas Peace, Maine History (forthcoming summer 2024)

Laura Curioli

MA Student

Fields: American Constitutional studies, early American colonialism, twentieth century American political history, religious history.

Advisor: Joel Anderson

Education: B.S. in History and Secondary Education

Research Interests: My studies observe the rise and establishment of Constitutional ideologies, such as the juxtaposition of originalism and textualism, and how those impact the evolution of American political history.

Susan Dickson-Smith

MA Student

Advisor: Mary Freeman

Gregory Gaines

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Scandinavian studies, Immigration history, Cultural studies, Medieval studies, Digital Humanities.

Advisor: Anne Knowles

Education: B.A. History, Clark University (2015), M.A. History, Clark University (2016), M.A. Medieval Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland (2018).

Research Interests: I am interested in the movement of Scandinavians to North America in the nineteenth century, and how this movement was affected by various cultural artifacts from the Medieval period.

Jessica Graham

Ph.D. Student

Advisor: Mary Freeman

Lucretia Grindle

Ph.D. Student

Advisor: Mary Freeman & Mazie Hough (co-chairs)

Maggie Kontra-Emmens

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Identity, Scottish studies, Canadian studies, Popular Culture, Gender, Digital
Advisor: Mark J. McLaughlin
Education: BA History, Old Dominion University; MA History, Old Dominion University
Research Interests: My dissertation will focus on the Scottish diaspora and Scottish identity and influence in Canada, 1870-1914.  This is a slight change from my Masters work regarding a formation of Canadian identity through the trench newspapers of the Great War, although the seed of identity remains strong.  Even though it has been mentioned that “identity” is the jello of historical topics, my focus is on solidarity or groupness while still touching on many aspects of its multivalence (such as, nationality, citizenship, ethnicity, race, name, family, heritage, class, employment, community, religion, language, and gender).
Group Affiliation(s): American Historical Association (AHA), Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, Canadian Historical Association-La Société historique du Canada (CHA/SHC)

Meghan Leacy

MA Student

Advisor:  Anne Knowles

Christine Liu

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Holocaust Studies, Digital Humanities

Advisor: Anne Knowles

Education: B.A. in History, University of California, Berkeley; M.A. in Computational Media, Duke University

Nolan Merz

MA Student

Advisor: Stephen Miller

Jennifer Munson

M.A. Student or

Fields: Genocidal Studies, Memorialization History, Dark Tourism, Maine History

Advisor: Anne Knowles

Research Interests:  I am interested in the memorialization of the Holocaust on U.S soil and the involvement of immigrants in erecting those memorials.

Dylan O’Hara

Ph.D. Student;

Fields: My fields of study include American Urban History, 20th century American Political History, as well as Women’s History and African American History. 

Advisor: Nathan Godfried

Education: BA in History and English Literature from Connecticut College (2017); MA in History from the University of Texas at San Antonio (2019), MA Thesis titled, “‘Floating Across the Catwalk:’ Race and Women’s Labor in Three Debutante Societies in Urban San Antonio, 1930-1960.”

Research Interests: My current dissertation research focuses on the uneven and inequitable urban development of greater Boston between 1920 and 1980. This project places special emphasis on community resistance to urban renewal, women’s role in writing scripts of urban reformation, and ongoing issues of the changing landscape of racial segregation in Dorchester and Roxbury. 

Contact:  @DylanGOHara1 (Twitter)

Recent Publications:

“Book Review of Smeltertown by Monica Perales.” Book Review of Smeltertown: Making and Remembering a Southwest Border Community by Monica Perales. Harrison Middleton University, 2020.

“Legacies of HemisFair: Urban Renewal and Mexican Americans in San Antonio,” in The Americas and the New World Order: Selected Essays on Latin America and Global Politics. (ed) Joshua Hyles. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. 

Recent Presentations:

TransitCon 2022| The Largest Free Virtual Transit Conference in the U.S., Hosted by, January 30, 2022| Presentation titled, “Urban History & Planning the Future: What Historians Lend to Rebuilding Equitable American Cities.

Women & Climate Change Lecture Series| University of Maine, Department of Women & Gender Studies, February 18, 2021| Presentation titled, “Ecofeminism and the Urban Environment.” Presented in partnership with the McGillicuddy Humanities Center, The Climate Change Institute, and the Women & Gender Studies Departments at the University of Maine. 

Andrew Reddy

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Acadian History, Diaspora Studies, Colonial History, Northeast Borderlands, Canadian Studies

Advisor: Mark McLaughlin

Education: BA Liberal Learning University of New England, 1988; MS Special Education University of Southern Maine 2009; MA American and New England Studies University of Southern Maine 2018

Research Interests: My research interests include the use of expulsion narratives by Acadian descendants as cultural identity markers and the post expulsion insurgency movements by Acadians who resisted relocation and lived on the margins of the British Empire, forming and maintaining alliances with indigenous populations.

Group Affiliations: Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society

Recent Publications: Book Review of A History of Maine Railroads by Bill Kenny. Maine History

Ethan Robbins

4+1 MA Student


Lindsay Ropiak

M.A. Student

Fields: Canadian-American, Cultural
Advisors: Professor Mark McLaughlin and Professor Nathan Godfried
Education: Bachelor of Arts in English and an Anthropology minor
Research Interest: Cultural production and consumers in the 20th  century, particularly after World War II.  My thesis explores branches of comedy that developed alongside the counter and youth cultures of the late 1950s to 1970s to become mainstream entertainment and a reflection of the experiences and sensibilities of the Boomer generation as they came of age in United States and Canada.

Group Affiliation(s): Phi Alpha Theta

Hannah Schmidt

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Colonial North America, Indigenous history, Spatial history, Women and Gender

Advisor: Liam Riordan

Education: B.A., History, Southern Illinois University (2013); M.A., History, Southern Illinois University (2017)

Research Interests: My dissertation explores captive-taking in the colonial northeast and aims to show how spatial analysis can inform our understandings of captivity and captive-taking. This project emphasizes spatial language as well as mapping to illuminate how spatiality intersects with other social constructs such as gender and race and shaped captive experiences. It also attempts to decolonize scholarly approaches to captivity narratives by recentering Indigenous people’s experiences in captivity as well.

Darcy Stevens

Ph.D. Student

Fields: American Revolution, Early American, Canadian-American Northeast Borderlands

Advisor: Liam Riordan

Education: B.S. History Emporia State University; (2005) M.A. American History Emporia State University (2008)

Research Interests: My research focuses on the contentious socio-political terrain of the American Revolution, and how it influenced inhabitants’ decisions about allegiance and neutrality in the Northeast Borderlands of Maine, Nova Scotia, and Wabanakia.

Group Affiliations: UMaine Canadian-American Center Fellow, David Center for the American Revolution Fellow, New England Historical Association, Massachusetts Historical Society, Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society. Maine History journal Book Review Editor

Recent Publications:
“’The Unhappy and Unparalled Defeat at Penobscott’ and the Entanglement of Machias and Bagaduce.” The Beehive, Massachusetts Historical Society. June 4, 2021

“Performing Allegiance and Neutrality in the Shadow of Fort George” – The Castine Visitor, publication of the Castine Historical Society, Vol 30, No 3 – Fall 2020

“Fontaine Leval: A Revolutionary Story” – Chebacco, journal of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society, Volume XXI – 2020

Recent Presentations:

“Performing Allegiance and Neutrality in Occupied Machias and Bagaduce Maine During the American Revolution. Conrad E. Wright Research Conference, Massachusetts Historical Society, July 14-16 2022

“Positioning Neutrality at the 1777 Aukpaque Conference,” Atlantic Canada Studies, biennial conference. University of New Brunswick, May 25-28, 2022.

“Navigating the Revolutionary Northeast: Borderlands through Fluid Allegiance and Neutrality.” Colonial Society of Massachusetts Graduate Student Forum, June 11, 2021.

Rosemary Thorne

MA Student

Advisor: Anne Knowles

Timothy Whiton

Ph.D. Student

Advisor: Anne Knowles

Sarah Witthauer

Ph.D. Student

Fields: Early American, and Women’s History.

Advisor: Liam Riordan

Education: BA. 2012, MA 2014 – Queens College, Queens NY.

Research Interests: American Loyalist women, and Early American families.

Joseph Wrobleski

Ph.D. Student

Advisor: Micah Pawling and Liam Riordan