HTY 467: Early 20th Century America, 1914-1945

Instructor: Professor Nathan Godfried

Course number: 87088

Days/Time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:00 – 11:50 a.m.

Location: Stevens Hall 355

Description: This course examines the major developments in America’s domestic and foreign affairs during three turbulent decades. We will analyze the continuities, contradictions, and conflicts in America’s democratic and capitalist society, giving special attention to the evolving relationships among the state, the corporate sector, the working class, women, and racial minorities. Topics include: Wilsonian internationalism, corporatism, consumerism, popular culture, racial and class conflict, the Great Depression, New Deal “liberalism,” the Popular Front, and the rise to global hegemony.

General Education Requirements: Satisfies the Western Cultural Tradition requirement.

Prerequisites: Three credits in History or instructor permission