Alexander Grab
I offer courses in Early Modern and Modern European history. I regularly teach the following courses: European Civilization 1700-present (HTY 106); The Napoleonic Empire (HTY 351); Europe 1648-1815 (HTY 407); and Modern Italy 1796-present (HTY 429). I also offer a graduate seminar in Early Modern Europe and a Senior Seminar on the French Revolution and Napoleon. My area of research has focused on Italian history in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Initially, I have studied eighteenth century Lombardy, when that region was a part of the Habsburg Empire. Currently, I am researching the Italian Peninsula, with special emphasis on northern Italy, during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic period. I am a member of the American Historical Association and the Society of Italian Historical Studies.
Representative Publications:
Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe (McMillan-Palgrave, 2003). Winner of first prize of the International Napoleonic Society, 2004.
La politica del pane: Le riforme annonarie in Lombardia nell’eta teresiana e giuseppina (1986)
- “The Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy: State Administration,” in eds. Michael Broers, Augustin Guimera, Peter Hicks, The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture, (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 204-215
- “Conscription and Desertion in Napoleonic Europe” Weiner Zeitscrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit (2008, Heft 2), 14-32.
- “Jewish Education in Napoleonic Italy The Case of the Ginnasio in Reggio Emilia” Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow- Instituts, Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook, University of Leipzig, VI (Göttingen, Germany, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007), 269-289.
- “The Napoleonic Empire in Italy: The Transfer of Tax Ideas and Political Legitimacy,” in Global Debates About Taxation, Holger Nehring and Florian Schui, eds. (London, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007), 61-79.
- “Public Education in Napoleonic Italy,” in Napoleon and His Empire Europe, 1804-1814, Philip Dwyer and Alan Forrest, eds. (Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007), 149-164.
- “From the French Revolution to Napoleon,” in The Risorgimento and Unification (1789-1896) The Short Oxford History of Italy, John Davis, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2000), 25-50.
- “The Politics of Finances in Napoleonic Italy (1802-1814),” in The Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 3(2), 1998, 127-143.
- “La politica finanziaria nella Repubblica e nel Regno d’Italia sotto Napoleone (1802-1814),” in L’Italia nell’et napoleonica. Atti del LVIII congresso di storia del Risorgimento italiano (1996), 39-113.
- “Army, State, and Society: Conscription and Desertion in Napoleonic Italy (1802-1814),” The Journal of Modern History, 67, (March 1995), pp. 25-54.
- “State Power, Brigandage and Rural Resistance in Napoleonic Italy,” European History Quarterly, 25, (January 1995) pp. 39-70.
- “The Politics of Subsistence: The Liberalization of Grain Commerce in Austrian Lombardy under Enlightened Despotism,” Journal of Modern History, 57 (June 1985) pp. 185-210.
Work in progress:
- Italy Under Napoleon