Featured Tech of the Month: 3D Printing

“What we see in the Maker Movement, is that a relatively small amount of people can have a big impact. You don’t necessarily need the world’s largest company behind you.”

Dale Dougherty

What is 3D printing?

    3D printing is the rendering of a physical object from a digital file of a 3D model. At the Hackerspace, we use Makerbot Mini+ which layer (print) thin layers of plastic filament (3D printing ink) on top of one another. With different printers there are also different filaments ranging from corn-based plastic (PLA) we use at the Hackerspace to cement filament for printing buildings to bio-filament used for living organisms.

3D Printing at UMaine

  • The UMaine High Altitude Ballooning Club 3D printed a custom nozzle, at the Hackerspace, for a weather balloon launch that went 95,000 ft into the atmosphere
  • The Innovative Media Research and Commercialization Center (IMRC) has commercial-grade printers great for prototyping robust ideas; check out their prototyping studio
  • All UMaine students, faculty, and staff get 25 g of printing filament to use at the Hackerspace for FREE
  • The Hackerspace has a 3D scanner you can use to create your model
  • Stop by the Hackerspace to find a model you can print today!

Where to Start with 3D Printing

Thingiverse offers a library of pre-built models available for downloading. This is a great place to find a test model to use your 25g of free filament at the Hackerspace!

Tinkercad is a browser-based 3D modeling software with simple tools to create your own model from the ground up. You can also use it to edit pre-built models if you want to make any adjustments to them.

Stop by the Hackerspace today to learn more about 3D printing!