Hackerspace Equipment
This list is not comprehensive as a lot of gear moves in and out of the space. The items listed should always be accessible. If you have questions about any specific items available, contact us at um.hackerspace@maine.edu.
3D Printing
- Flashforge Dreamer Dual Extruder
- Creality CR-10 Pro
- Prusa MKS3
- Structure sensor (3D scanner)
- Nozzle Cleaning tool kit
- Post-print sanding blocks, dremel, and drills
- Weller WES51 Solder Station
- Various Tips
- Lead-free solder
- Lead-free flux
- Solder brushes
- Helping Hand + Magnifying Lens + Light
- Circuit board holder
- Solder wick (desoldering braid)
Robotics & Electronics:
- Voltera V1 PCB Printer
- SMT Soldering Capability
- Arduino
- Uno R3
- Mega 2560
- Nano
- Micro
- Wifi and BLE models are available
- Protoshield
- Biosensors
- Various motors (servo and step)
- Other sensory inputs available
- Raspberry Pi
- RPi 3
- Sense Hat
- RPi Pico
- Teensy Microcontroller
- Software Defined Radio Kits with Antennas
- LilyGo T Beam Boards with Antennas
- LilyGo Lora Boards with Antennas
- Digital Multimeters
- Digital / Analog Trainer
- Signal Generator
- Solderless Breadboards, Jumper Wires, and various Prototyping parts including ICs, Sensors, and Basic Electronic Components
- ESD Mat
- ESD Wrist straps
- DIY Arcade Game Controller Kit
- Theremin Instrument
- DIY Triangle Wave Synth Kits
- DIY Chaos Synth Kits
- Korg Monotron Delay Analog Synthesizer Instrument
- Alesis MIDI Keyboard Controller
- Novation Launchkey Mk3 MIDI Keyboard Controller
- Donner MIDI Pad Beat Maker
- Korg Volca Sample Digital Sequencer
- Thermal Camera
- Xbox One Kinect Dev Kit
- Chromecast Ultra
- EVO 4 Audio Interface
- TASCAM USB Audio Interface + Mixer
- XENYX 802 Analog Mixer
- Apple TV
- Headphones
Sewing + E Textile:
- Singer Industrial Sewing Machines
- Singer Serger Overlock Machines
- Various Colors Cotton Fabric (including Camouflage)
- Fabric Markers
- Fabric Scissors
- Conductive thread
- Gemma Microcontroller
- LED Sequins
Prototyping Tools:
- Screwdrivers
- Small to standard
- Pliers
- Linemen
- Needle nose
- Bent nose
- Hand Drills
- Clamps
- Rulers & meter stick
- Architectural Ruler
- Self Healing Cutting Mat + Precision Knife
- Scissors
- Measuring Tapes
- Wire Cutters
- Wire Strippers
- Allen Wrench Set
- Tweezers/Forceps
- Hammer
- Cardboard
- Mallet
- Level (small and large)
- Micrometers (0 inch – 4 inch)
- iPad Pro 10″
- Safety Glasses
- First aid kit (located at the front desk)
- Leap Motion Sensor
- Amazon Echo: Dot
- Keyboards, Mouses, Various Power Supplies and Cables
- LED Mag Lamps
- HDMI Cables
- CAT5 Ethernet Cables
- Lego
- Plain bricks
- Simple Machines kit
- 12 fixed-height tables
- 2 hand-crank adjustable table
- 60 stools
- Mobile whiteboard
- 4K, 120hz Mobile TV
- Apple TV and Chromecast are available
- Project Lockers