Nolan Merz

Contact Info:

Degree Program(s): History, MA

Home Country: USA

Role in Graduate Student Government: Vice President

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I wanted to take a more active role in the development and growth of the Graduate school and believe I can communicate the needs of the students to the faculty senate and administration. 

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: One of my biggest goals is to ensure that graduate school students’ voices are heard at faculty senate meetings and advocate the needs of the students clearly and directly to the administration. Furthermore, I want to ensure the student research symposium and awards that accompany it are communicated clearly and done efficiently. 

Long Term Career Goals: I want to work as a research or intelligence analyst for a company or the government however I would like to say in Maine after graduate school. 

Involvement in clubs and other organizations: I am part of the Warhammer club. President of the History Graduate Student Association. 

Research at UMaine: 20th Century American Imperialism and Small Wars. 

Hobbies: I am an avid fan of the Warhammer 40,000 setting and enjoy reading about history and science fiction.