Laura Curioli

Contact Info:

Degree Program(s): History

Home Country: United States

Role in Graduate Student Government: President

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I started my career with GSG as a senator and served on the grants committee. In the fall 2023 semester I ran for grants officer with the hope of creating a better grants system, and after my experience working with the 2023-2024 GSG Executive Officers I felt a strong desire to continue their efforts, my own developments within grants, and to forge ahead and create new opportunities through GSG. This lead me to run for president in spring 2024.

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?:  It is imperative we strive to consistently improve and develop GSG as an organization. GSG serves as a central hub of graduate student communications, and strengthening the qualities and functions of our organization will allow us to create a space where all graduate students feel welcomed and empowered. My biggest goals moving into the 2024-2025 academic year are to continue previous grants systems developments which will make grants a more comprehensive and just process, expand upon the GSG social events that allow for interconnectivity, develop electronic and physical handbooks/committee regulations for current and future officers, and provide more outreach to campus departments to recruit senators, which will increase participation and legislative success at GSG.

Long-Term Career Goals: I currently study American Constitutional history and law as a Master of Arts student here at UMaine. I will be attending a special institute in Washington D.C. funded by the James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship for future educators in the summer of 2024 that will allow me to effectively teach the Constitution to high school students. My goals after graduation are to teach in a rural area outside of Portland, Maine, using the skills developed through my research to educate future voters. After my two years of educator experience, I intend to either pursue a law degree or a PhD in history.

Involvement in clubs and other organizations:

Treasurer for the History Graduate Student Association

Tutor for TRIO SSS Services

Student photographer through Marketing and Communications

Graphic designer for the Hudson Museum at the CCA

Research at UMaine: My research focuses in American Constitutional studies in history and law. 

Hobbies: In my free time I love to go biking around Orono, and hike at many of the different trails in the area. I also love to go bouldering at Maine Bound! I am a portrait photographer, so I also can be spotted taking pictures out and about.