Kayla Parsons
Email: kayla.l.parsons@maine.edu
Program/Department: School of Food and Agriculture
Why did you decide to become a GSG senator?: I became a GSG senator because I felt that it would be a great learning experience and an opportunity to step outside of my usual comfort zone. I am excited to be a voice for SFA, especially when discussing initiatives that directly impact the hardworking graduate students of UMaine.
How would you best serve your constituents?: I will keep constituents up to date on all upcoming GSG announcements, events, and opportunities. I will also act as a liaison between SFA students and the GSG, voicing any opinions that students would like to bring forth.
Please tell us about your research or some fun facts about you: For my doctoral research, I’ve created a college-based mindful eating intervention which incorporates culinary creativity and nutrition education; aiming to improve diet quality and self-efficacy in making healthy choices while navigating the college environment. Some fun facts about me is that I enjoy mountain biking, camping, and creating new recipes. I’m also a registered dietitian.
How do you plan on communicating with your constituents?: Please feel free to email me. I’m usually quick to respond!